[WE100]: 💯 five hundred words on my weekend engagement concept

I've been too scarce of late and find it very difficult to put something down here. It's better late than never I guess🤷 so, I'll be answering question number five.

In 500 words or less, explain what you like or don't like about the weekend-engagement blog prompts concept I have devised and present each week.



I think sir @galenkp started this initiative sometimes like that during or after the lockdown. That was 2020 to be precise and ever since then it has been all shades of amazing. I'm bragging or trying to paint it good but I'm serious about it. So, Whatever I write here is nothing but the truth.

The weekend engagement community is one of the best communities here in hive because all the blog prompts, contests and challenges are real life and it makes it easy for anyone to sit his or her ass down and put something down no matter how small.

Personally, I love the blog prompts every weekend. I like the fact that he brings up each ideas and topics that are memorable, sweet, learnable for people to engage in. In the process, I get to learn about other people's views, ideas, opinions, way of life, cultures, name it etc.

Asides from the curation part of it, it makes me to express myself excessively and I've learnt a whole lot from my fellow folks here. To me o bringing up blog prompts, topics and challenges every week is just amazing, they couldn't be another better way of doing that. My humble opinion though 😊.

It helps me think and imagine funny and humourous things and also with things that wouldn't even cross this little mind of mine. That's when it helps me to be creative.

Also, in all blog prompts, topics and challenges I get to see people's different views, opinions and learn from them.

The very one I admire so much is how the moderators and organizers here sit carefully well and taking time to read and respond to all who engages here. Your dedication towards reading each entry, commenting and appreciating everyone encourages one to do more.

A very big thank you to everyone of you for always being supportive and I wish you all more grace, more ideas, wisdom and everything good.

Thank you

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