
Hello, my weekend community! I want to share with you my adventure in my home this weekend. Saturday, the 5th of August, 2023 was fun in my home. Having done my family prayer with my family, I spent the day processing my cassava tubers into elubo. Elubo is one of my family's stable food. We eat is with delicious soup of various types.

Elubo is one of the common swallow food meal among the Yoruba tribe of Nigeria. Though I am from the Ibibio tribe, having lived and established my family among the Yoruba tribe, I become used to their delicacies.


Elubo is a meal made from tuber crops like yams, cassava and potatoes. To process your tuber crop into elubo, you will need to soak the tubers after peeling them in warm water or cold water depending on the tuber crop you are using. The soaking period could range from 3 to 5 days. By then the tubers had softened. When the tubers are softened, they are removed from the water and dried under sun. The drying must be thorough so that the elubo produce will last long on storage. After it has dried very well, it is grinded into powder. Then the elubo is ready for storage.

In preparing the swallow food meal, water is boiled in a pot and the powdered elubo is added and stirred evenly till it solid into the swallow food meal. The Elubo is then ready for consumption! Then we get traditional soup like eguzi soup or vegetable soup or ewedu soap as one prefers and enjoy our meal.


This Saturday, I spent my time removing the cassava tubers I had already soaked and prepared them for drying. They are undergoing the drying process now. Thereafter, I will take it for grinding and my family's elubo will be ready for consumption. If you cherish our African delicacy, you could give it a trial.

Happy new week to my HIVE family!

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