My ethical dilemma in a tropical island isolation: choosing a co-resident for eternity

Hi everyone, I am quite happy to make my first post in this community.
So the prompt which I have chosen from the options that were given is the last— If you were stranded alone on a tropical island for the rest of your life (no chance of getting off) and could wish someone there with you but doing so would strand them there for the rest of their life also, (you both would die there eventually), would you do it and why, or why not?

I would admit being a strong introvert will make people think that yes I will be more than happy to stay on an island alone. But no, I can't. But in the case where I am trapped and there is no way or chance of ever getting off, most people will say they will wish one of the people they love like maybe their lover or someone close to them.

In my case I have few people that I can stay alone with, I have my mom and sisters especially, because with them anywhere and anytime I always feel more safe, relaxed, my self, and less worried about anything.

But the thought of having them trapped with me is something I can't do no matter what. I guess I just love them too much to wish that any one of them was trapped on an island alone with me forever.

Now here comes the rather funny part. Although I don't wish anyone to be trapped on an island there are still some exceptions. The first person I would wish for would be the former president of my country. Anyone who is from my country Nigeria would know immediately why I wished for him to be there with me. That man was one of the hardest things that happened to me during his tenure, it was horrible. So there you guys have it I would wish for my former president to be trapped on a tropical island with me forever not because I like him but because I dislike him the most.

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