[ESP/ENG] Mi fin de semana


Mi madrina recibiendo su regalo / My godmother receiving her gift


Yo en medio de una sesión de fotos con mi madrina / Me in the middle of a photoshoot with my godmother.


Mi querida amiga Lourdes y mi persona en nuestro escondite no tan secreto / My dear friend Lourdes and myself in our not so secret hiding place


Para mi el pasado fin de semana se dividió en dos momentos grandiosos con personas especiales a las cuales les tengo mucho aprecio mi estimada amiga Lourdes, mi madrina Maria Fernanda y su esposo mi padrino Rafael en casa de su familia.


For me, last weekend was divided into two great moments with special people to whom I am very fond of my dear friend Lourdes, my godmother Maria Fernanda and her husband my godfather Rafael at her family's home.


Primeramente mi padrino sorprendió a mi madrina con sus flores favoritas, ya que tenia aproximadamente 3 años que no le regalaba flores, después de eso nos sentamos a merendar unas ricas empanadas dulces y nos fuimos a otro punto de Caracas.

First, my godfather surprised my godmother with her favorite flowers since it had been about 3 years since I had given her flowers, after that, we sat down to have some delicious sweet empanadas and then we went to another place in Caracas.



Desde este que se encuentra en la Estación del Metro Propatria, quede fascinado con la vista nocturna, pues me hizo recordar de porque decía que Caracas, en mis tiempos de niñez era un nacimiento viviente, de verdad, me alegro mucho.

Aunque lo que realmente busque fotografiar fue a la Luna a nuestro hermoso satélite Selene no lo logre, desde la perspectiva donde nos encontrábamos no se veía en absoluto.

From this one located in the Propatria Metro Station, I was fascinated with the night view, because it made me remember why I said that Caracas, in my childhood days was a living birth, really, I was very happy.

Although what I really wanted to photograph was the moon to our beautiful satellite Selene I did not succeed, from the perspective where we were not seen at all.



Al día siguiente, decido sacarme un poco las penas y cito a mi amiga Lourdes a nuestro lugar para nada secreto dentro de la selva de concreto llamada Caracas, en Bellas Artes, que teniamos 2 años y medio que no veníamos y falto el tercer mosquetero con quien descubrimos este hermoso lugar, pero pronto se vendra de Margarita.

Pasamos una hermosa tarde con mi bebida favorita, una Guadalupe que no es otra cosa que agua de diosa plus, bienvenidos a tomarla, jeje ya que con dos vasos me embriague un poco.

The next day, I decided to shake off my sorrows and I invite my friend Lourdes to our not so secret place in the concrete jungle called Caracas, in Bellas Artes, we had not been there for two and a half years and we missed the third musketeer with whom we discovered this beautiful place, but soon he will be coming from Margarita.

We spent a beautiful afternoon with my favorite drink, a Guadalupe which is nothing more than the water of goddess plus, welcome to drink it, hehe because with two glasses I got a little drunk.



Casi al momento de irnos y antes que nos sirvieran este rico shawarma vegetariano que nos ganamos cantando o intentando cantar loba de Shakira, escuchamos que un señor grita: "Luna cuidadito con María" y al voltear, vemos a una gata hermosa negra como el azabache jugando comicamente con una lora que le lanzo a picar varias veces, luego el dueño las cargo a las 2 y se pusieron a verse feo, mas el dueño dijo eso es normal en ellas, asi son siempre.

Se hicieron las 2 de la tarde entre risas y cuentos, hablando con mi estimada amiga y nos despedimos, después de 3 horas y media y un sin fin de memorias, recuerdos y sobre todo un ambiente que nos limpio de todo lo que nos agobiaba.

Almost at the moment of leaving and before they served us this delicious vegetarian shawarma that we earned singing or trying to sing Shakira's she-wolf, we heard a man shouting: "Luna, be careful with Maria" and when we turned around, we saw a beautiful cat as black as jet playing comically with a parrot that bit her several times, then the owner charged them both and they started to look ugly, but the owner said that is normal for them, they are always like that.

It was 2 o'clock in the afternoon between laughter and stories, talking with my dear friend and we said goodbye, after 3 hours and a half and endless memories, memories, and above all an environment that cleansed us of everything that overwhelmed us.


Ver tanta gente en el parque me tranquilizo, mientras un grupo hacía yoga, estaba un grupo de los Scout, gente en el karaoke (donde participamos y ganamos no gracias a mi voz), entre otras situaciones que realmente fueron magníficas y satisfactorias para mi.

Las fotos son de mi propiedad, tomadas por mi teléfono Xiaomi Poco M3 y este hermoso momento fue llevado gracias a mi anterior fin. gracias por llegar hasta aquí un fuerte abrazo.

Seeing so many people in the park calmed me down, while a group was doing yoga, there was a group of Scouts, people at the karaoke (where we participated and won no thanks to my voice), among other situations that were really magnificent and satisfying for me.

The photos are my property, taken by my Xiaomi Poco M3 phone and this beautiful moment was taken thanks to my previous end. thanks for making it this far a big hug.


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