Weekend Engagement Topic 176: Weekends Are For More Food.

Most people always get excited about weekends and they always look forward to it because some use it for spending more time with family, visit friends and relatives, go for picnics and other exciting adventures, some take out time to rest.

Some use weekends to go shopping, attend to house chores and then cook enough food that will last for the new week. I belong to this group.

I enjoy cooking and since weekdays are usually busy for me due to work and other engagements which may not allow me to cook some kinds of food, I use the weekends to try my hands on them.

My fridays are usually for shopping and this gives me chance to take care of the cooking on Saturdays, sometimes Sundays depending on what I would be preparing.

Asides from preparing soups, stew that can last for the new week, I always have something special to prepare.

Bitterleaf soup and Vegetable soup

I have been craving moi moi and akara for a while now so I added them to the list of foods to prepare this weekend.

Akara also simply known as beans roll is made from beans.


Moi Moi with gsrri
Moi moi simply called bean pudding is made from beans.

Both meals are nutritious and can be eaten with pap, custard or garri. Some combine bread and akara too., It all depends on one's preference.

It is also on weekends that I make chin chin for people who placed orders and for personal use too.

My weekend will be incomplete without me making yogurt and zobo drinks too.

Most people prepare rice on Sundays but I really do not. Instead I eat other foods like beans, plantain porridge, moi moi, pancake and more of fruits. I can take fruits for the whole day. The reason rice is out of my menu for weekends is because almost everyday of the week I eat rice as lunch so once it's weekend, I cut it off from my menu.

Jellof beans with garri


Pancake with chocolate beverage

I love home made foods that's why I prefer preparing what I eat. I rarely go to eateries so I make sure to prepare what will last me for the week, my lunch pack inclusive. By doing this not only do I eat healthy, it saves me from more expenses.

This is how my weekend food preparation usually goes.
I hope you enjoyed reading, your feedback will be highly appreciated. Gracias.

All Images Are Mine And Are Rights Reserved

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