Reducing Too Much Of A Good Thing! - W/E: Week 209

If it happens that I was to be arrested for spending too much time on my phone and taken to the law court, I tell you, I would be convicted because I will be guilty as charged, lol. I'm sure most of us will, hehehe. I wouldn't actually call myself a phone addict like some people, but I know that I do spend a considerable time of the day on my phone either working, my phone is my mobile office, doing Hive business or farming airdrops. Infact my phone activity has increased since I started farming airdrops as I need to complete the various tasks available.

It's not like I'm just whiling away my time on phone being on the social media, nah, it's for real business, hehehe. One of my colleagues has even asked if I've joined online scam because he always sees me pressing my phone, lol.

My screen time for today

Although I have one thousand and one genuine reasons for my increasing phone usage, it's not really a healthy habit as I have noticed some adverse effects it's been having on me.

One of the effects is that I no longer have enough sleep time since I always retire to bed late, sometimes 1am or 2am, and I still need to wake up by 5am and this comes with a feeling of fatigue and irritability. More often than not, I wake up late and this isn't good because it can throw me off balance for the morning making me to start the day in a wrong footing.

Another effect is that of physical health issues and the ones that I usually experience are eye strain, neck pain and thumb joint pains. If I stay glued to my phone for a complete two hours, my vision will begin to get blurred making it difficult for me to see clearly. Even my photochromic lens doesn't help, sometimes. Waking up in the morning leaves me with a headache, swollen and dark eyes.

The back neck pain and texting thumb are the ones I don't even want to go into because they're extra ordinary everyday, lol, šŸ¤£. Even as I'm typing this post, I'm feeling the pains on my neck and thumbs, infact my whole ankles.

I remember how I lost the feel of my fingers during the last zealy campaign for the onboarding of new users that was held last year. It was crazy, I got sick along the way because I had to stay up late till early morning to join X spaces and complete some quests plus being on threads. At a point I couldn't continue with the quest for fear of breaking down completely. I even stayed off Hive for a while till I recovered.

My social life is already being affected. I'd prefer to be alone tapping away on my phone than socializing and the effect is that I miss out on opportunities to connect with the people around you. Even when I do go out, I'll still have my phone to turn to.

Since I'm constantly switching between apps and notifications, I find myself multitasking, which sometimes decreases my productivity and focus.
I remember one day I was so engrossed with my phone that I forgot to prepare and send a media plan to a client who requested for it. Before I remembered, it was already late and I was home so I quickly apologized to the client. As I got to the office the next morning, that was the first thing I did.

Since after the zealy experience I didn't need anyone to tell me to tune down on my phone usage so I don't hurt myself the more. Granted I need the use of my phone for work and other side hustles but my health is the most important. It is only a healthy person that will think of making money.
So here are some steps that I've taken

  • Activating the eye care feature in my phone and also setting the brightness level to 50% so it reduces the impact of light on my eyes. Also once it gets dark, I activate the dark mode feature too.

  • I try to set limits on the specific times of the day when I won't have to use my phone. Once it's time for work I concentrate on it and can only do my online stuffs when I'm done.

  • Another thing I do is to turn off notifications for apps that I don't need to be notified about to avoid distractions from their alerts.

  • I engage in other activities especially on weekends like taking a walk, gardening, writing songs, meditation or any fun activity that will take me away from my phone. If I can't find any then I put the phone on silent mode and sleep.

Thank you for reading...

Still the #threadsaddict šŸ˜‚

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