A more formal date than I wanted... (Esp-Eng)

Saludos para todos mis queridos amigos de esta comunidad de los fines de semana, leyendo el tema relacionado para la publicación de esta semana, me llego a la mente una cita que tuve , esta cita jamás la podre olvidar y es que si de una historia chistosa quieren saber, yo soy la indicada, siempre me ocurren cosas que ni hablar...
Greetings to all my dear friends of this community of weekends, reading the related topic for this week's publication, an appointment that I had came to mind, this appointment I will never be able to forget and it is that if from a funny story They want to know, I'm the one, things always happen to me that I don't even talk about...


Siempre que las chicas piensan en una cita, lo primero que le llega a la mente es que todo lo que alli ocurra sea perfecto, pero resulta que intentando ser "normal" como todas las chicas, un muchacho que me invito a cenar, yo le dije muy bien a las 8 pm me pasaría buscando y quería saber a que sitio iriamos a cenar para colocarme una vestimenta adecuada a la ocasión, pense en colocarme un jean y una camisa poco ajustada pero luego una prima que me miró me dijo Estas loca!!! , Así no puedes salir a cenar con ese muchacho , a el se le nota que es exigente el te llevara de seguro al nigth Sushi un restaurant muy fino y conocido por aca...
Whenever girls think of a date, the first thing that comes to mind is that everything that happens there is perfect, but it turns out that trying to be "normal" like all girls, a boy who invited me to dinner, I I said very well at 8 pm I would go looking for it and I wanted to know where we were going to have dinner to put on an appropriate outfit for the occasion, I thought of putting on jeans and a loose shirt but then a cousin who looked at me told me You are crazy! !! So you can't go out to dinner with that boy, you can tell he's demanding, he'll take you to the nigth Sushi for sure, a very fine and well-known restaurant here...

Yo me tuve que cambiar la ropa y ajuste mi vestimenta a una salida mas formal por lo que mi prima me habia comentado, el muchacho llego a buscarme y en lo que me miro me dijo guaooo Que bonita!!! y me pregunto ¿dónde podemos comer? yo solamente le dije cualquier sitio cerca esta bien...
I had to change my clothes and adjust my dress to a more formal outing because of what my cousin had told me, the boy came to look for me and when he looked at me he said wow, how beautiful!!! and I wonder where we can eat? I just told him any place nearby is fine...

Efectivamente mi prima no se equivoco y fuimos al nigth sushi,aquel hombre todo elegante y formal, de hecho tanta formalidad me aburria jeje, preferia haber ido a otro sitio a tomar cervezas en vez de vino y comer perros calientes o pizza antes que sushi, pero ya estaba allí , el me miraba y solo tomaba vino lentamente, yo moría de hambre y la verdad que comi muy rápido, cuando tome conciencia de lo que estaba haciendo intente disminuir la velocidad, en realidad decia dentro de mi, que situación tan incomoda, osea esa persona tan formal no era yo, pero era incapaz de decirselo a el muchacho, el se veia callado y solo miraba mis actitudes
Indeed, my cousin was not mistaken and we went to the nigth sushi, that man all elegant and formal, in fact so much formality bored me hehe, I preferred to have gone to another place to drink beers instead of wine and eat hot dogs or pizza instead of sushi, but he was already there, he looked at me and only drank wine slowly, I was starving and the truth is that I ate very fast, when I became aware of what I was doing I tried to slow down, actually I said to myself, what an uncomfortable situation I mean, that formal person was not me, but I was unable to tell the boy, he seemed quiet and only looked at my attitudes



Debo confesar que quede con hambre y al salir de alli ya habia tomado varias copas de vino, mi yo original ya estaba que reventaba y cuando nos retiramos del sitio, que me estaba abriendo la puerta de su carro me dijo ¿Todo bien? yo respondi; no aqui nada esta bien, el muy asombrado dijo que ha pasado? y fue en ese momento que le dije
I must confess that I was hungry and when I left there I had already had several glasses of wine, my original self was already bursting and when we left the site, as he was opening the door of his car for me, he told me, Everything okay? I answered; nothing here is fine, he very astonished said what happened? and it was at that moment that I told him

Disculpa pero yo no soy así, esta formalidad me esta matando... No me gusta este sitio, prefiero tomar cervezas que vino, prefiero perros caliente que sushi, con unos jean y blusa desahogada me siento mejor, me gusta bailar salsa y quiero que disculpes mi sinceridad pero eres demasiado formal para mi...

Sorry but I'm not like that, this formality is killing me... I don't like this place, I prefer to drink beers than wine, I prefer hot dogs than sushi, with jeans and a loose blouse I feel better, I like to dance salsa and I want excuse my sincerity but you are too formal for me...


El me miro , y solto una carcajada, me dijo No puede ser!!! niña tonta por que no dijistes eso antes yo tampoco soporto tanta formalidad, te traje aqui por como estas vestida, no pensaras que te iba a llevar a comer perro caliente a una calle de comida con esa vestimenta tan formal que traes ...

He looked at me, and burst out laughing, he told me It can't be!!! Silly girl, why didn't you say that before? I can't stand so much formality either, I brought you here because of how you're dressed, you wouldn't think that I was going to take you to eat a hot dog at a food street with that formal dress you're wearing...

En ese momento pense justamente en la loca de mi prima y senti que todo era por estar haciendole caso a las tonterias que ella me estaba diciendo, aquel muchacho me invito a comer perro caliente y me senti de maravilla y perfecta para comenzar a tomar cerveza, regrese a casa a las 7 am del dia siguiente, amanecimos bailando en un sitio popular de la zona
At that moment I thought precisely of my crazy cousin and I felt that everything was due to paying attention to the nonsense that she was telling me, that boy invited me to eat a hot dog and I felt wonderful and perfect to start drinking beer, I returned home at 7 am the next day, we woke up dancing in a popular place in the area


Teniamos gustos tan parecidos y no lo sabiamos, por dejarme llevar por las locuras de mi prima casi me pierdo de aquella cita que para mi fue una de las mejores citas de mi vida, no la olvido nunca...
We had such similar tastes and we didn't know it, because I got carried away by my cousin's craziness I almost missed that date that for me was one of the best dates of my life, I never forget it...

Esa fue la última vez que aparente ser algo que no era solo por ser "normal" como el resto de las chicas, no puedo negar que me gusta la formalidad , pero me gusta la formalidad para eventos en los que no sea yo la protagonista ejemplo asistir a un matrinomio de una amiga, el bautizo de un familiar, y cosas así , pero en lo que se refiere a mi... Prefiero perros calientes y cervezas .
That was the last time I seemed to be something that was not just for being "normal" like the rest of the girls, I can't deny that I like formality, but I like formality for events in which I am not the protagonist example attending a friend's wedding, a family member's baptism, and things like that, but as far as I'm concerned... I prefer hot dogs and beers.

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