My kid beat me at basketball this weekend!


So, my son has started playing basketball. The idea to try this *new* game came out the blue and was spurred on by a new sports coach contracted by the school to offer a wider variety of after school sports. This means that he now attends basketball practice once a week with others of a similar age from his school. In a few short weeks, he has become obsessed. He started watching old NBA games on Youtube, wants an NBA kit for his next birthday and has been practising a ton in the front garden. Anyway, so today he comes and gives me a big hug whilst I am writing and says

Please come outside, I want to show you something.

Of course, I stopped what I was doing and off we went outside to the drive where he had moved the hoop. He then proceeded to perform some pretty neat manoeuvres for a youngster new to the sport. I was pretty impressed to say the least and told him so. Then came the challenge... so, play a game with me! Let's see if you can beat me!

Who could resist that face or that challenge?

So I rolled up my sleeves, pulled on my high tops (to look the part of course! I needed every advantage I could muster if I was to stand a chance here lol).

The light was already drawing in and temperatures were dropping. My hands were already starting to freeze. So I knew we wouldn't be able to play for very long.

We squared up as he informed me of the rules πŸ˜†πŸ˜‰


Well, he dodged, turned, ducked, dived, dribbled that ball between his legs, between mine and knocked 5 baskets through to my 4. I didn't let him win either; that he achieved all by himself! 😝His coach says he's improving. I was quite frankly, blown away!

Such a joy to see your kids taking such joy from a team sport and feeling inspired to practice at every opportunity to improve their skillset and gameplay. Quite sublime.

The evening came in quickly as it is winter here but we were fortunate that the streetlights came on and so we ended up playing in their soft orange hue for a while longer.

When we eventually came inside he pulled me onto the internet and started showing me pictures of bedrooms done up in a basketball theme. Did I mention he's obsessed? 😁Anyway we've agreed that he can paint his bedroom in his favourite team's colours and put up some posters, artwork, and shirts to decorate it appropriately and he has plans to buy a mini indoor basketball hoop for the backwall. This will become our project for the next month or first off he needs to tidy his room 🀣

Oh, did I mention he has aspirations to play in the NBA now? πŸ˜ŽπŸ’–


Image 1 from canva library

Image 2 from canva library

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