(Weekend Experiences) Cape Point Ride

Hey everyone I hope you have all had a good weekend so far. I had quite a nice little trip the other day with two of my friends to the cape point nature reserve. This was just a spur of the moment decision and to be quite honest when I decide to go out for a ride I didn't even know where I was going to go I only decided about 5 minutes before I've left my house. I was ready glad that decided to go to the Cape point nature reserve it was a very nice ride and loss of beautiful sites to see. The only downside to the drive out day is the large amount of uphills it really does eat up the petrol.

This trip was a ton of fun we go so much on the way there for instance we stopped to go get ourselves a pack of Chips and a cool drink each and kept on saying to my one friend that he must be careful the baboons don't come and steal his chips. And then he would say is that day to happen I would chase off to them and rest of them back for the chips I would fight them all and become the king of the baboons. We had seen so many things on the way to Cape point that broad back so many memories from when we were younger. Well one thing that's surprised me a lot was that my one friend had actually never been out to that side of the Cape. And another thing that also surprised me was the prices for entering the Cape point nature reserve as a South African citizen you are allowed to go in for only R100 per person but if you do not have a South African ID the cost of entry is R400. And that friend who hadn't been out this way before had recently lost his ID but he thankfully had a photo of it which they gladly accepted.

After we entered the first stop we made was at a viewpoint for false bay as you can see in the pictures above.
Then after a brief look around and enjoying the scenery we moved on to get to the Cape point itself. This ride was also quite a nice one through the nature reserve and unfortunately we didn't receive many animals but it was a lovely ride nonetheless this could have also been due to the fact that we left quite late only starting to ride at 2:00 in the afternoon and the right out there took approximately two and a half hours. And the nature reserve closed at sunset so by the time we arrived we only had roundabout 2 hours in the reserve. But we were okay with that as the ride out there was the real thing that we wanted to do just go for a ride somewhere even if it was just to a point in the journey where we decided to turn around and ride back. Once we arrived at the furthest part that you can go with your car we got out and went to go look at the gift shop the prices they were ridiculous all we could do was laugh and say whoever would buy the stuff is insane. But we all well away that this is a very well-known tourist destination and prices reflect that fact as the exchange rate gives tourists a very high amount of funds well down in South Africa. But we locals are not that rich especially me 😂. If you want to go up to the lighthouse at the top of Cape point there is a railway car that takes you up or you can choose to walk up a steep path. As we do didn't have a lot of time we were not prepared to pay for the railway up there as it was not been worth it so instead we decided to hike up the steep path. Me and dehan my one friend are not the fittest people but we do have enough stamina to do this in one go but unfortunately Dylan my other friend that was with us did not have that kind of stamina so once we had got a little bit of ways up the path he sat down and said he'll wake here for us so we just laughed and said no problem will be back. It took a while but we made it to the lighthouse and here awesome pictures.

Now I had decided that when we got back down to where my friend was we were going to play around and joke with him about how you was lazy and wasn't able to come up the hill but low and behold as we were coming down from the lighthouse to the platform way the rail car drops off the passengers we see here coming up the lost little bit of the heel we were extremely surprised and proud that he managed to make it but unfortunately while he was coming up a big gust of wind hit him and sent him tumbling but down the path the path has a lot of things so off after falling for a little bit he knocked back into a side. But he wasn't injured just had a slight bump and a bit of a headache so I went into where the rail car place was and requested at one way ticket down for him as I didn't want him to walk down a steep Hill well in that condition but when we went to the counter the lady told us that no more tickle to being sold the lost car leaves at 5:00 but the lost ticket gets sold at 4:30 so I explained the situation to her and she kindly agreed to let him take the trolley down well me and my other friend walked back down. Once me and my friend reach the bottom we met up with Dylan and started out drive back home. During this time we happen to see something wonderful. It was a really large rainbow or at least the start of one coming up from the mountains across the ocean.

And as we headed back they were a few more things we decide to take photos of along the way And here they are.

And that was my Saturday and it was a lot of fun 😊 .

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