Week 208. Three ways in which I save my money


I am going to place myself in the context of my country where the economy is atypical to all countries, where saving can be seen as a feat due to the superinflation to which we are subjected and the low salaries that are devalued, prices rise daily and what cost you one price the day before is more expensive the next day and the currency is more devalued.

In such a changing economy, one way to save money is to buy everything you need almost immediately before the price changes, in another country while a product depreciates with use and time, here it increases in value, except for everything that has to do with technology, so buying is a way to save money.

In my specific case, I buy things that help me to get money, I recently bought a printer which I will use to make some products and sell them, as well as a sewing machine that I have which I have generated some money with it, so with every thing I buy I am thinking about how that could give me money and at the same time use it personally for me, yes, I am one of those people that even the oven in the house must be put to produce to get money.


Another way I use to save money is to plant, planting is a way to obtain organic food and the surplus can be sold or exchanged for other products that we consume.

The second way to save money is buying cryptocurrencies, accumulating them, putting them in pools etc, I believe a lot in the power that cryptocurrencies have in the economy and every day it will be a great bet to have cryptocurrencies, of course it has its risks, I have invested in some cryptocurrencies that later fell, but I will continue to believe in this type of market, for example being in Hive is a great idea and has its ways to generate through savings and content creation, for the future I know that if I do things right, Hive is a great way to save for me in the immediate future.

I have seen experiences of people who trade intelligently and generate something, I particularly do not do it now, but I did it in the past where I gave my money to my sister so that she with her experience made me earn something, of course, not everyone can do this without experience or studies because instead of saving will spend.

There are many ways to generate through cryptocurrencies and I know that step by step I will be walking down this beautiful path of the blockchain, which is exciting.

way to save is to look for things that will generate dividends in the long term with investment, investing is a way of putting money to work in our favour. There are brokers where you can invest in shares in a recognised company, this is a form of passive income. The SP500 ETF is a great option to receive compound interest. Of course everything has its risk, but sometimes he who does not risk does not win, but the most important thing is not to risk everything, but a part that you do not need because if you lose it will not hurt so much.

I believe that money should not be left idle, you have to have it producing because with such a changing global economy, we do not know what can happen and being prepared is the best we can do and unfortunately money is a great engine, if you do not have money it is like having a very nice car but without an engine.


In conclusion, I can say that perhaps for now I do not have many dividends because my expenses far exceed my income, but I have an idea of where I am going and I know that with effort, perseverance and good ideas I will have a good retirement when it is my turn if destiny gives me life and health, meanwhile, we continue working and believing that opportunities will come and if they do not come, we simply look for them until we find them.

Well friends this is my participation in week 208 of one of the initiatives given by galenkp for this beautiful weekend, stay strong and healthy, greetings and blessings.

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

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