Relationship: love-hate

Health always comes first, before any fashion, before tastes, desires and cravings, but it is difficult to curb or control oneself before the latter.

Nature offers us thousands of options to respond to the needs that our body presents; either at a curative or preventive level. However, that which causes us so much harm is shown more provocative; for example a handful of sweet strawberries is loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants; it is what we need but appears before our eyes a brand new donut, duly decorated inside with the syrup or cream that you like the most; in my case chocolate. This small and hollow dessert makes our taste buds go off and have a feast of flavors; resulting in an empty pleasure that does not respond to what we truly need.

In response to the week's pledge initiative about what my favorite drink is, I must honestly say that it is not the healthiest in the world: it is coca-cola.


That demonic drink that plays with the lives of millions of people in the world, that clearly has been said to be the root of many evils that afflict its fans, and whose manufacturing process is totally unfavorable to nature, since it uses many liters of water.
Even knowing all the history it has, we continue consuming it.


Its refreshing taste quenches thirst. It is used to neutralize the worst hangover you are going through (personally verified) and is the best companion to the finest Venezuelan dishes such as hallaca, empanadas, pastichos, among others.


It seems that during the Christmas holidays its sales skyrocket and it is because the hallaca so far no other drink can balance its flavor.


It is not a matter of what makes us feel good, but of being sincere in what we like the most. After this drink, my favorite for consumption when going out is coffee and blackberry juice.

Images are my own. Taken from a Samsung phone.

Translated from Spanish to English by DeppL (free version)

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