Know me

Describing oneself has always been complex for those of us who question everything. The concept we have of ourselves often differs from what different people form of you.

I think this year has been a year of a lot of self-knowledge in my life and I have realized that what others think of you doesn't really matter. The important thing is that we give our all by making an effort in every area of our lives.

That's why if I had to describe myself in just 3 words I would do it this way:

Complicated : I am a patient person who likes to listen and learn from others I always find it interesting when someone tells you or narrates their experiences and you can learn a lot from them but I tend to get bored easily. The reason for my boredom lies in falling into the monotony of not taking advantage of the situations as in education if we do not get excited we do not learn, because the attention is focused on what excites us and excites us.

Minimalist: I don't like extremely elaborated things unless they are for my palate. I love with intensity to be able to observe a flower that can emerge in a small crack between the concrete much more than a colorful or expensive bouquet of roses. I love and consider it more valuable to be able to make a cake as a family for a birthday than to present a spectacular decoration. I love the process more than the result itself.


Unique: what is different makes us unique, strange, crazy, absurd but I love having the gift of admiring beauty where no one else sees it. I love rainy days, their peace, their calm; when others complain about not being able to do anything on them. I melt when a child tells me he wants or needs a hug just because.


Life has countless beautiful things but we are usually so distracted and busy in the busyness of day to day life be a child again and stop being surprised by every gift she gives you.

The images presented are my property.

All text was translated from Spanish to English by DeppL (free version).

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