Deforestation is legit or not (W.E 149)

Hello hivian's!!!!
It's another weekend here but now it's almost about to end, only few hours left than again there'll be a new week. I did nothing special today except laying on the bed for whole day. Maybe it was a boring day for me.

As it's weekend so @galenkp give some interesting topic for all of us to write and i thought to write on one too.


It's legit or not

As we all know that cutting down the trees is called deforestation.

Now the question is that is it's legit or not??

In my opinion deforestation is not legit.

Afforestation is legit as compare to deforestation. I prefer to sow some new seeds and grow new plants rather than cut down the trees.
Although people get benefits from trees but cutting it down just like they use the wood for burning and for making furniture.
But there's more important reason to avoid deforestation.

We shouldn't cut the trees as many trees are the shelter or home of many bird's and how we can destroy the house of them. But i see humans are selfish and they destroy the home of bird's. I don't like this act personally.

We shouldn't cut the trees because we need them to survive in pollution free environment, when we have more trees than our environment will be more good and fresh.

We shouldn't cut the trees because mostly it's happened to me when in summer i went out for Travelling than in hot sunny day and on long route mostly these trees provide me a cold shadow to stay there for some time.
I feel good air within more trees rather than on land without trees.

story from my student life

When i was a child, i learn in my biology book that plants are also living organisms just like we human, than i asked a question to my teacher that when we pluck a flower or tore a leaf does plants also hurt and whole class start to laugh 😂 on my question and my teacher said you don't need to over think dear student. I just thought that we are living organisms too and if someone cut my finger than I'll hurt so if plants are living, are they hurt too or not?? I knew that my question was strange but I never feel hesitation to ask questions doesn't matter what they are?? And regarding cut down the trees my question laughed the whole class.

So, in my opinion deforestation isn't legit. We should watered the plants, although nature gave water itself to plants or trees when it's raining but we should take care of trees or plants too which are near to our house.

All the images are my own picture and captured by me, last one is the collage made by my phone.

That's all for today writing topic and also for weekend engagement topic

Thank you for your time and support

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