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What happened to my weekend?

Hi everyone! Here I am again publishing my 3rd blog. This time it's not about some scary stuff. So, let's start? Please welcome my hair tentenenen!

I have this messy hair ever since I was in my elementary days. My mother loves to style my hair in pigtails, braids, and ponytails. Maybe those are some possible reasons why my hair turns out to be like this and it can be because of heredity as well.

I love my hair because it’s a bit wavy when it’s not yet fully dry. But, I couldn’t control it when my hair dried out it looked like a bird's nest or looked like a hair being pulled by multiple people.

I even got a nickname because of my hair, “kabayo” or “horse”. You can say I was bullied because of my hair and it lasted until I was in High School. However, I wasn't hurt that much because it’s true that it does look like a horse's tail especially when I ponytail it or worse than the horse's tail. Here's a fact---I didn’t shed tears just because I was called a horse.

I kicked one of my classmate's balls unintentionally because he called me a horse when I was in elementary. I was in between the chairs lifting my body using only my 2 arms but in a standing position when he suddenly appeared. When I was in high school my classmates called me "kabayo or horse" and "red horse". When it's a guy I will throw shoes at them, kick them, chase them, pinch them, pull their hair, or call them their nickname back, and, sometimes I would ignore them if I'm not in the mood. I didn't react because I was hurt, I reacted because they wouldn't stop and they found it fun and so did I. I was a bit violent when it's guys but I can't be violent towards girls, only a slap in the back or shoulders or ignoring them HAHAHA. The reason why I love to bun or style my hair to hide the messiness.

I had my first hair treatment when I was in Grade 9, then the second was when I was in Grade 10 before graduation and 3rd time was when I was in Grade 12 before graduation year 2020. My father was the one who wanted my hair straight as well as my mother. My 4th hair treatment is now year 2024 because of the upcoming pictorial for our graduation on May 25.

I was hesitant to do this hair treatment because the graduation expenses are adding up. But my father and my mother wish to pursue the hair treatment. So, on a sunny Sunday morning, we headed to Bogo City to do my hair at Wency Salon and do some groceries as well.

We waited for a bus together with my mother, because my father got home late because of work. So, my father and baby brother would only follow once he took a nap first. We rode a bus and were dropped off at the bus stop. Unlucky, we forgot to bring coins so we had no choice but to walk from the bus stop to Wency Salon. We stopped at the pharmacy first so that we could have coins. Then we proceeded to Wency Salon.

But, unluckily again! We couldn’t find the Wency Salon where my hair was done on the 1st and 3rd treatment, the 2nd treatment was in the other salon. My mother asked someone in the area and responded that the Wency Salon was in the Park. So we rode a tricycle going to the park.

There is this new space for rent building but we couldn’t find the way to the second floor. It was embarrassing! My mother and I were looking up the building on how to get there. I couldn’t take a photo of it because we were busy searching around where the entrance could be. We asked a guy nearby and said we had to go to the other side but we found nothing.

My mama asked again to a woman across the street and there she said there's no Wency Salon but there's a new salon where it is connected to Wency Salon. I tried to search the Wency salon and there it was too late to know that it had been closed 2 years ago and transferred to Leyte. I wanted to check the Wency Salon before the day of my treatment but I forgot about it. I liked Wency Salon because of the quality, you won't regret having your hair done. I was literally thinking I won't do the hair treatment if we can't find the Wency Salon. I'm scared to try other salons yet. The direction of the salon that the woman gave us was just near to where we are so we just walked with a woman who was also looking for a salon too. We decided to choose the salon because they are connected to Wency Salon and I'm hoping it would be good.

When we arrived we were welcomed warmly. They asked what service we wanted and they gave us recommendations. We accept the recommended treatment and that is hair botox since it was almost 4 years when I had my treatment. They are having a promo since they just got the place not too long ago. Their salon before was still in Bogo only the specific location was changed. While the treatment started, the other side of the wall started to use a hammer and I was overthinking.

What if the mirror in front of me falls off?

I was already thinking about what I would do if ever the mirror fell off. Gladly, whatever the other side was doing was done before the mirror fell off.

When I was almost done, I was overthinking. Because the woman who came with us together gave a tip to the same guy who was doing my hair. At the back of my mind, I was like.

“What if I will also give a tip? But this money left was intended for something”
“Or what if I just tell him I’ve got no extra so just accept this burger ?"

I know its gonna be awkward because I was already like "Kuya, ate, mangaon ta" or giving them permission to eat the burger. The woman said it was okay she was on a diet but the guy didn't respond maybe he didn't hear me that time.

But do you know what I choose to do after I give the payment? I just simply said "thank you" to him again and smiled. Because, I think he would understand, they knew I was only a graduating student yet. I may have been pressured because there were only two customers who were having a hair treatment at that time. I was alone the moment the woman left. The other customers were there to get a haircut. The reason why I let them cut my hair even if I wanted it to be long. Because I know it would be too much job and I’ve got no extra to give them a tip.

I got out the moment I was done in the salon and went to my parents on the plaza where they were waiting. They had already done the groceries but, we still had to run some errands and they just decided to wait for me. They had wide smiles when they saw me and we were excited to take pictures together.

When we were done with our errands we headed home. My father and brother are on the motorcycle, while my mother and I are on one tricycle.

Father was able to buy this while we were on our way. Watermelon is one of my favorite fruits. They’re so hydrating and I just can’t get enough of it.

Here's the end of my hair adventure though it started epic the results were great! I'm satisfied and worth the penny.

Shalom ka-Hivers! See you on my next blog✨🤗

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