WEEK 167. Cleaning the bathroom or washing dishes

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I invite you to participate in the proposals made by @galenkp. Weekend-Engagement writing topics: WEEK 167 Excellent topics for a weekend. I always help my wife with household chores, without being forced to do so, although there is one that I don't like.


With household chores

Many times it is difficult to run away from home obligations, for me, they are not difficult to do them, besides as always my wife and I have been a great team, we have distributed the burdens of home, this does not mean that I like to do them, for nobody is a secret that almost nobody likes them, but what difference does it make, I have to do them.

But I must speak a little of the past, as always citing the best that were the values instilled by my mother, one of them was always to collaborate in household chores, that was good, because when I left home at 17 years old, I did not find it difficult to do the things that have to be done at home, but with the difference that I did all the things for my own benefit, such as cleaning, sweeping, cleaning bathrooms, washing dishes, and arranging the mess among others, in fact I like order and cleanliness.

On the other hand, nothing is perfect, while it is true that I help my wife in everything, I must admit that although sometimes I have to wash and clean the whole bathroom very well, to help my wife, I have to say I do not like it, I do not like it, but if I have to do it I do it.

My wife is a cleaner, she is not compulsive, but she loves that the bathroom is sparkling clean, but very clean, I understand her, there are three women in my house, I mean my wife and my two daughters, therefore and for health, the bathroom should always be very clean.

When I mentioned, *it was not difficult for me, I can also say that I had some jobs washing dishes in a restaurant, because I say this, although you do not believe it, I like that, washing dishes relaxes me a little both physically and mentally, then as I like washing dishes, I came to an agreement with my wife, Since we have been living together since 2002, the agreement was that I would wash the dishes, and she would take care of the bathrooms, it was a perfect deal because she likes to keep the bathrooms clean, and I like to wash the dishes, but I clarify this does not mean that I do not help her in other household chores.

I have always supported my wife in all the things that need to be done at home, but since I don't like to clean the bathroom, I wash the slab, this was the best way to get out of cleaning the bathrooms.

Note, during my wife's two pregnancies I didn't have it easy, but I got over that stage. Because I had to clean the bathrooms almost every day, yet we all lived happily and contentedly.

What can you tell me, what do you like to do in you regarding housework, and what don't you like, do you help your husband or wife, I want to know your opinion.


Just dedicate yourself to be happy in every second. To be happy you just have to make your own decision.


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“Enjoy the day and don't rely on tomorrow.”

This phrase - by the Roman poet Horace

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