Enjoying my weekend😍

Hello, hivers, and good day! How are you? I hope you're doing okay. Thank you for supporting my last blog, and I hope you will read my new blog. I just want to share with you my weekend experiences, so please enjoy reading them.

It was Saturday morning, and my boyfriend prepared for his fight at Prime Fight Gym located in Lawaan Talisay City, Cebu. He wasn't able to train well before his fight because each day passes by and he does not have enough time to practice due to a lot of work that needs to be done. His fight was May 18, 2024, and the day before his fight, they were requested to come to the gym to have the final weigh-in, and before that 3 days before his fight, the manager told him that he was going to fight for 58 kilograms, but he was 60 kilograms, so he really needed to lose 2 kilograms, so what he did was he ate only apples, bananas, eggs, and citrus juice with no rice and that was his breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

getting ready

The fight will start at exactly 3:00 p.m. in the afternoon, so we went there at 2:00 p.m. in the afternoon because he wanted to be early so he would not be late. We took a bus, and the fare was 60 pesos for each person, or 30 pesos. After we arrived at Lawaan Talisay, we took a tricycle going to Lawaan City Hall, 15 pesos for each person, and after we arrived there, we took another tricycle going to Prime Fighting Gym, 30 pesos for each person.


Later on, we finally arrived at the Prime Fight Gym, and there were also a lot of people who watched the game. Popular boxers from Cebu were also there Milan Melindo, Pete Apolinar, Kit Garces, and Jonas Sultan. Pete Apolinar passed us by, my boyfriend asked him to take a picture, and he agreed. He said that it was an honor to met and took picture with one of his idol in boxing.

The popular Boxer of Cebu

There were 15 pairs of boxers, and he was the number eight. So before his game, we watched other boxers fighting with their opponents. I was so amazed because there were also kids. I think they are 9–11 years old. They are so cute, but round one was not yet done, and the game need to end, so it was a split decision because one kid in the blue corner cried, his face hit by the opponent haha. They are super cute to stare at.

cutieee piee🥹

So the game was started and my boyfriend was at the blue corner and his opponent was at the red corner. His opponent was PJ Rosales with 27 wins, 7 knockouts, and 2 losses, so it was really an advantage for him. It was the first time that my boyfriend had a game, but he practiced at ALA Boxing Gym and Butlig Boxing Gym. His opponent did not attend the final weigh-in, so my boyfriend didn't know the weight of his opponent, and it was unfair to think, but anyway, nevermind.

client vs. client

The game was client to client but my boyfriend did not win, but it doesnt stop him to pursue his dream, it was his first time and it was not bad at all, he was grateful for the opportunity and the experiences he had during his game, that game pushed him to train and practice well, he took that game as an opportunity to gain lesson and experiences and apply it in the near future. I know this is his dream so I supported him.


The game was ended, and both of them received a certificate and a medal for the champion. I don't regret my decision to come along with him, I want to support him, I want to be part of his failure and success. I enjoyed watching their game, hoping and praying that if the stars are not aligned for him, then God guide him in every action he will take during the game. As a partner, I was also proud, even if he lose. It doesn't matter if he lose or win, what matters most is that he enjoyed the game and the experience from it will always be priceless, and that was an enjoyable Saturday for me and also for him.

still congrats you did it!

I just want to share with you my little experiences from Sunday. I was at the house of my boyfriend's sister, and my classmates asked me to go to the ocean to relax and talk about different things related to life. So we went to the ocean, and we really enjoyed dancing and standing at the shore. We always go back to where we used to be, haha. The repetitive sound of waves and the great expanse of the ocean may be extremely relaxing and can reduce stress and pressure from everything.



This is all for now, hivers. Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoy reading it. Goodbye! see you on my next blog.

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