What bugs me? Bugs!

With a quote from Bruce Lee, how could we not comment this week? For this weekend engagement topic, I chose "What bugs me".

We moved from Colorado to Vermont last fall. I of course, did some research before we moved. I knew there would be a lot of bugs, but I didn't know there would be a LOT of bugs! Lots and lots of gnats, mosquitos, biting flies, ticks, and such.

Not quite into their prime time yet for mosquitos, which will be the worst time and when they are more likely to carry diseases like West Nile virus, or Eastern Equine encephalitis. There is also over 40 species of black flies, 40!

Anyway, it was bad enough to not even want to walk the dog or stand outside for more than 2 minutes, because they were just everywhere. I did some research and decided to pickup a couple of these flow-tron zappers. Apologies to all you bug lovers, but I must say, I take a bit of sadistic pleasure out of listening to the little suckers fry. zap zap zzzzaaaaapp! If close enough, you can smell them barbeque.
We bought two of them one for the back and one for the front, near the garage where I've been working a lot. They are each supposed to cover 1 1/2 acres.

This is what they look like after about 1 1/2 week. So yes, they seem to be doing the job. They are not all gone, but at least we are not swarmed with dozens in the face when we step out the door. I just have to go out with the leaf blower and blow them out once a week to make room for more.

Now there's a trick to it. Mosquitos aren't attracted to the UV light, but to Carbon Dioxide, so for these to work effectively, you need to use a little add-on of Octenol attractant and replace that every 3-4 weeks for peak effect. Also I've heard that putting a small piece of banana on them will help attract more flies. Still haven't tested that.


Next up is also using some non-toxic spray on the yard. We've got the grandkids coming to visit in a few weeks and don't want them eaten up or to have an unpleasant visit.

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