WEEKEND-ENGAGEMENT 144: My time capsule letter


Good evening friends, today I am once again participating in the magnificent weekend challenge, where our friend @galenkp gives us the possibility to choose a topic.

I must confess that at first I thought I would talk about what we are most passionate about in life, it is a topic where I would feel comfortable talking about, since I love cooking and practicing yoga. When I read the option of being able to write a letter that will be read 200 years from now, I had an infinite number of ideas come to my mind.

Below I share with you the information that I would love for you to read 200 years from now, from my current reality, highlighting the benefits that my present offers me.

What I would appreciate reading if I were the one to open that letter in that distant future:

Hello, I want you to know that I wrote this letter in the month of March 2023, the mission was to make it to be read in the year in which you are currently living, so I assume that 200 years have already passed. I don't know what your current reality will be, but below I describe what I have experienced during 50 years of my life, along with this letter I send you my photo, so you can visualize the environment that surrounds me and the lines have a face where you can imagine through my body language the tone of my voice, this will transform my lines in a closer language.

I live on a planet that was baptized with the name of Earth, our days last 24 hours, there is a star that has its own light and revolves around our planet, we call it Sun, its sparkles bring us countless benefits, it is recommended for women of my age who are close to menopause and we need to keep our bone system strong and have our immune system in good condition. When the sky gets dark a satellite comes out which we call the moon, I particularly enjoy it when the sky is full of stars. We have a calendar that is formed by 12 months, where January is the first month and December the last, at this time of the year we usually celebrate New Year's Eve, this time of the year I celebrate with sadness remembering my relatives who are in another plane.

In my photo I am surrounded by beautiful vegetation, the city where I live is surrounded by an imposing mountain we call El Avila.We have the great privilege of being able to enjoy the sea, we have an ocean full of fish and an extensive marine fauna. Our planet has an extensive jungle where a great number of animals of different species live. With abundant rivers, our water is drinkable and we enjoy it for consumption and for bathing without the limit being an impediment.

Currently our planet is reacting with a language that worries me a lot, because of the constant occurrence of natural phenomena such as earthquakes and others I had never seen before, but I will not worry, I will continue to enjoy the rivers, the waterfalls, the sea, the mountains, the sun that heals me, the shooting stars, to cook with vegetables that mother earth gives me, the fruits that give me vitamins I need... I continue to be happy with life and with the wonders of this planet.
I hope that these lines will help you to build this present in your future, if in your days there are not these good things.

I say goodbye saying that I was very happy in my life, I hope that in the future where you are reading me you can have a similar life and you can improve your planet, turning it into a world where kindness and love are the only feelings.

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