The World Is A Circle

Learning to live in the present moment is part of the path to joy - Sarah Ban Breathnach


Happy new week friends, this is my 3rd time in posting in this community and I hope am welcome. I found this community interesting and profitable to acquire knowledge so I decided to give it a trial today.

Just like what my title offers, the world is a circle. What goes round must surely come round because this world is a circle. Lots of real life experiences has made me to conclude and believe this. I will give an illustration about my current experience in life, right now.

My name is Kelvin Obie am an altar server in my church. I assist the priest in serving at mass and other things related to that. Last year in the month of July altar servers had an official election in which the parish priest, catechist, electoral committee members and so on, were present in the meeting.

The position for the president was the first thing that needs to be done so the moderators that day, told 3 persons among us to nominate someone will can all vote for and by the grace of God I was nominated together with 2 other guys.

I won that position because of the love everyone had for me, out of 40 boys, 20 voted for me and I appreciated them all. Am currently the president of altar servers and I have to rule for 4 years, since I became the president have been busy with church activities just to make my association grow. We normally have monthly meetings and I order everyone to do things my own way, though am not a wicked president.

Apart from that, in the month of November last year I registered in a barbing salon where I can learn how to barb and the salon has two barbers and one shop owner which means I have 3 boss. Am still learning in the salon and it has never been easy at all, making the salon neat all the time, going on errands by them and so many other things.

Have been combining church activities with that of my work and it has never been easy but I will keep on surviving by the grace of God. The barbers who are my boss normally order me to do lots of things and I normally obey them. Sometimes they send me unnecessary messages and it gives me stress alot.

So what am trying to say is that the world is really a circle because in the church am a president of the altar servers association and I command my members to do things my own way but over there in the salon and like a servant, I don't command anybody rather my boss commands me to things in his own way and I respect him all the time.

Am a boss in one place and am like a servant in another place. Anyway being like a servant will soon end and it wouldn't last long because am almost done learning and I will leave the salon soon. This world is indeed like a circle, I will love to hear a story like this from you guys.

Hi friends this is my third post in this community, please I need your support and you can follow me if you wish to, am a writer. Thanks for reading.

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