Being happy supersedes all things.

If I had to choose between professional success and personal happiness, I’d definitely go with personal happiness. Both are important, no doubt, but when it comes down to choosing only one, I’d prioritize being happy over everything else.

Like most people, I want to be successful and achieve great things. It feels good to accomplish goals, earn money, and have the kind of life you dream of. But the truth is, what’s the point of having all of that if you’re not happy? I’ve realized over time that happiness is something you can’t take for granted. You could have all the fancy cars, a huge house, or whatever else people associate with success, but without happiness, none of it really matters. You wouldn’t even enjoy those things the way you should.

I know a woman who’s a perfect example of this. She’s in the oil and gas business and has everything—cars, houses, you name it. But then she had a stroke, and her life changed. Despite all her success, she’s not happy because she’s constantly dealing with health issues. She spends more time buying medications than enjoying her achievements, and that has really taken away her joy. It made me realize that professional success can easily be overshadowed if you’re not happy or in good health.

Sure, everyone wants to be rich and successful. Who wouldn’t? But without happiness, those things feel empty. I honestly believe that with happiness, you can live a more balanced, fulfilling life—even if you’re not professionally “successful” by society’s standards. When you’re happy, everything else falls into place more naturally. It gives you the energy and motivation to keep pushing forward, even when life gets tough.

I’ve been in situations where everything seemed to be going well for me, but deep down, I wasn’t happy. I just couldn’t find that inner peace or joy, and it held me back. I couldn’t focus or enjoy the things I had worked hard for. It’s a frustrating feeling—like you’re supposed to be on top of the world, but something’s missing.

Happiness gives you the strength to handle whatever life throws at you. When you’re happy, you can achieve success in whatever it is you are doing, without feeling like you’re constantly struggling. It helps you stay positive, even when things get difficult. I’ve learned that when I’m happy, I can handle stress better, make better decisions, and just enjoy life more. On the flip side, when I’m not happy, it’s like everything becomes harder, and even the things I once loved don’t bring me joy anymore.

I believe happiness is what makes life meaningful. Success is great, but it’s happiness that allows you to enjoy the journey. Without it, all the money and achievements in the world won’t feel like much. So, if I had to pick, I’d always choose happiness—it’s what truly makes life worth living.

Thanks to @galenkp for hosting this contest.

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