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An Unexpected Early Weekend: Coping with Sickness and trying to relax

Today is Thursday 27th june 2024, and I already feel like my weekend has started because i have given myself break from work starting from today. Normally, i am only free from works on weekend which begins on Friday, but things are different this time and i am not feeling well, so I am not going to work on Friday and this means my weekend is starting a day earlier. I'm happy and at the sam time not happy because i wouldn't be able to do the things i would love to do.

I woke up this morning feeling sick and my throat is sore, and I have a headache, i still decided to go to work thinking i would be fine before the end of the day. While attending to a customer, i felt this instant pain in my head and i decided it was best to go home and rest because i knew at that moment it was going to be serious if I don't take care of myself. I called my friend and told her I am not feeling well and she was really caring and she actually drove me to my parents home to be taken care properly than staying alone at my apartment alone.

It feels strange at first to have my weekend start on a Thursday. Usually, Thursdays are busy days at work and actually one of the most busiest in the week because i make sure i do everything possible to make my fridays a little less stressful. I spend most of the day finishing tasks and preparing for the weekend. But today, I am lying in bed and drinking hot pap and trying to feel better before using my drugs my mom bought for me when i tild her i was coming over.

Even though I am not feeling well, there are some good things about starting my weekend early and one of which is to get more time to rest and recover. I can sleep as much as I needed to without worrying about waking up early for work. I can also catch up on some TV shows and this is my best time to watch my movie and also complete the series i have been willing to complete. Especially the house of dragon series.

Another good thing is that I can spend more time with my family especially my parents, it's been a while i have been to their house and now taht i am taking care of myself at their home, i would use the time to spend quality time with them and also introduce new movies to them, they have been very supportive and taking care of me since i was a kid and this is what I can offer now.

I hope that by resting today and tomorrow, I will feel better by the weekend because I really want to enjoy my weekend because i actually have a concert to attend this weekend and this is the first concert i will be attending over a year now and if I am feeling well enough on Saturday, that means i would miss it and it will actually hurt me because i have actually been preparing for it and also i already designed a cloth for the concert. For now, I will focus on getting better and taking care of myself and if I'm good to go, i would definitely.

Starting my weekend earlier is not my plan but i have to enjoy it because i wouldn't get any opportunity like this again after recovering. So i am happy and not happy at the same time. hopefully i recover soon because i don't enjoy being sick.

Thanks reading this. 💖

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