The essence of love, responsibility, and honor.

Hi Hive Lovers

Happy three-year anniversary week for #Weekend-Engagement by Mr. @galenkp to everyone who has participated in each of those cool challenges. Because this #Week156 challenge is a special opportunity, let's talk about life. Our life opportunity is a special gift for all of us.

Everyone has their own goals in life, and to achieve those goals, they must make choices, and every choice to achieve those goals must be based on 'love, responsibility, and honor.

These three words are the main foundation for achieving one's life goals. All three are a source of strength to live a life full of obstacles and challenges. Love, responsibility, and honor have led me and all of you to be what we are today.

These three special words have succeeded in shaping my life to this day; at least these three words have guided my life for the better and made me closer to the life goals I have set.

I have known about the existence of these three words since I was little from my parents, and I have (almost) managed to fully apply them in my life now. My wife, my children, my siblings, my extended family, my friends, and all my colleagues are where I learn to apply these three basic values in my life.


Everyone has a different understanding of love. There is no standard explanation to define the meaning of love. Love is the deepest emotion possessed by humans and the most expected in this life. You can't live if you lose love. For me, love is a source of strength.

Love is the energy that empowers one's mind; it is able to provide enlightenment or explanation to our minds and become positive energy to always be strong in achieving life goals.

People will do anything in the name of love, even being willing to die rather than lose their love. People will do everything they can—even kill—for their love.

How many people are willing to die for someone—for family, for friendship, for their homeland, for happiness, and for their ideals? It is because of love that a person is passionate about living their life. Someone will be willing to sacrifice to fight for their love, and that is power.


Life is an opportunity that must be accounted for. A person's life is the sum of all the choices they make. Every choice is a responsibility that must be accounted for.

There is no success if I am not ready to face various obstacles and difficulties, and I have to shoulder my responsibility. The more you are willing to take responsibility for your choices, the more credibility and success you will have.

Responsibility is the driving force behind all aspects of the life that I have lived. Because of my responsibility, I have successfully undergone various choices, and they all shape the achievement of my life goals.

Responsibility has become my strength to complete various obligations, and because of that, I also become happy for every opportunity that comes or is created to realize my life goals.


Someone will not be honored if they do not have a good personality. A person's character shapes their honor.

That is why a person must maintain behavior and must remain in the most important state, namely, always prioritizing good values and staying away from all bad things. It is a matter of honor.

For me, honor is also the power to achieve my life goals. All choices in my life must be based on honorable values. I fight for it every second of my life.

Life without honor is a waste. Your life will be worthless and have no value. One will never get the glory of life without respect. It is honor that makes one's existence presumed to exist, even after one's death.

Love, responsibility, and honor make my life meaningful for all the people I love. My wife, my children, my parents, my friends, and everyone I have ever interacted with are people who deserve love, responsibility, and respect from me. They all deserve everything in my life, of course, including those of you who have read my article.

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