The Attitude Book for weekend reading [Week 119]

Hi Hive Lovers

Weekends are always fun, we can momentarily leave our routine activities and be free to do various other fun activities.

The invitation to post various weekend activities in the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES Community, is also very fun.
Moreover, Mr @galenkp as the initiator of the community has also determined certain topics. It will really help you. He has very detailed guidelines on what points you need to write there.

This time I took part on the topic of "Weekend Reading". Reading is a routine that I often do every day off work. I can finish a thin book when I'm not on a trip or not on a fishing trip with my fishing club friends on the weekends.

What book?

This weekend I intend to spend time reading a light book entitled "THE ATTITUDE BOOK-Art makes your life and career more positive", written by Simon Tyler and published by Bhuana Ilmu Populer. Reading a book consisting of 198 pages will not take long, I will use speed reading techniques and mark some important things on each page. That is my habit when reading a book, even if it is light reading.


I chose this book because I was curious about the name of the author. I was so curious about what Simon Tyler had done that many companies had to make appointments and wait a long time to get a business training schedule from him.

Tyler is one of those business coaches who are often invited by leading companies to train their teams or employees. He is liked because his training method is very simple, not rigid and inspiring.

This book is very important for me. My work is also related to what Tyler discusses in various video clips that I have seen on various social media platforms. I do not deserve to learn through social media, moreover it is only in the form of video clips.

With this book, I wanted to get a full and detailed thought from a Tyler about the positive changes that many people have experienced after attending his business trainings. Especially about changing and improving attitudes and their impact on improving performance.

What do I like about this book?

Attitude is a choice you choose continuously.

Tyler wrote this book in light language, simple, applicable and of course, inspirational. He discussed the importance of “Attitude Management” in all aspects of human life and because of his business background, Tyler brought the concept of attitude management into the business world as a force for improving business performance.

I really like almost all of Tyler's reviews about how attitude has a huge impact on the way a person acts. A person's attitude is a reflection of a person's mindset that will affect body language, reactions and speech in interacting with others. This is related to how to build and maintain relationships with anyone, and in the business world, this is very important and decisive.

Even for me personally, reading this book has brought a new understanding, that there are many things that are still not right from the way I behave and often have a bad influence on my life and the people around me. Because of this, I have had a lot of homework to do to improve my attitude in my daily life. This does not only concern those who work under my control, or those who are my leaders, I can even apply it in my personal life.

I have felt deep regret several times after scolding my young child. However, after reading a few pages of this book, I became able to get answers about how I should manage anger when I have to be angry with children for educational orientation. This is just one small example of why I had to finish reading this book soon.

The next book I will read

I recently received a special gift in the form of a new book entitled “THE JUDICIARY–Benchbook on Management and Leadership” written by Edward Simarmata and published by PPM Manajemen. This book was given to me by a friend of mine who works in the legal field and I still haven't opened the plastic cover that wrapped it.

Books are a special gift for me. I am like a treasure seeker who gets a box of gold gems when he gets a book as a gift. You don't worry, I bought more of my books, than the books I've received as a gift.


Although this book is intended for those who work in the legal field, it is more precisely those who work in the judiciary. But, for me, this book is worthy and important for me to read because it contains management and leadership guidelines in it.

Management and leadership are knowledge that can be adopted and applied anywhere. For me, it is a new nutrition to enrich my knowledge and insight in management and leadership science where I work. I take care of "inanimate" and “living things”, to take care of both of course requires management and leadership in it.

Attitude management is an important part of management and leadership. If I can finish reading these two books, then this weekend will be a weekend full of nutrition for me.

Thank you Mr @galenkp for giving me the space to participate in this wonderful WEEKEND EXPERIENCES Community.
Let's make reading a habit!

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