[WE107] ~~~ My little wins

Every parents dream is to see their children do well in life. And every child is always happy when they make their parents proud. I am a very proud child of my parents. I have had a couple of achievements that have left me feeling fulfilled in my life.


my graduation day

My parents have dreamt of having children and seeing them through school. It has always been their joy to have graduates as children. I remember the day I dropped my pen after I wrote my last paper in the university. My parents were so happy. That was the first time in my life I saw my dad cry. He couldn't contain his joy. That made me so happy. The fact that I passed through the four walls of the university without problems and graduated at the exact time I was suppose to, made me so proud of myself. My university days wasn't fun filled. I had to struggle to take care of some of my bills because my dad was sick all the years I was in school. I did some menial jobs too to help myself financially. My mum was a petty trader and her income wasn't enough to feed the family and finance my education. So you see, the joy of having a graduate despite the circumstance is something to really be proud of. I am glad I made it.


a random photo of me

My first job made me realize that believing in yourself is worth it. I had no working experience and all I knew was what I was taught in school. The job required having a working experience at least. I remember sitting on that chair and waiting to be called in to be interviewed. I didn't know what to expect because at that point I had lost hope. A lot of the applicants had worked somewhere before and it made me feel intimidated. But one thing that kept me strong whilst sitting and waiting for my turn was the fact that I knew my mother's prayers that morning before I left wasn't going to be in vain. I just knew that God wouldn't disappoint a woman who had suffered so much in her life. I kept my hope alive and boom, I got the job. My first job was a miracle and out of over 60+ persons that attended the interview, I was chosen. I wasn't the best but grace found me. I will forever be happy for that opportunity because till date, anyone who looks at my Curriculum Vitae and sees that company I worked for, treats me specially.


a random photo of me

I also remember when I saved a young girl from being molested by her so-called uncle. That day, I entered a vehicle and this young girl was seated just beside me. She didn't look happy at all. My spirit man wanted me to talk to her. I fought so hard to take that feeling away but it was persistent. After much pressure, I spoke to her and discovered she was being molested by her uncle whom she lived with. I took her to the authorities and the case was taken up from there. She was finally sent home to her parents. This girl is now in the university and she is doing well. This happened in 2017. At first I was scared of taking her to the authorities because a lot of things were running through my mind at that point. What if I was detained because I brought a girl to complain of molestation? I have heard of situations where people were detained for just being kind enough to bring matters to the police station. That was the fear I had. I remember giving the policemen a fake name just because I didn't want to be caught for something I didn't know. But I am happy I took a bold step.

These are my little wins that when I remember, It makes me so emotional but then I am super proud of myself.

This is my entry to the [WE107] Weekend-Engagement contest. You can find details here


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