Cataclysmic Event

Open Road Empty Sky

Option two: Solitary

After a cataclysmic event you are the only human being left alive on the planet. What does your life look like, how do you stay alive, how do you cope with a solitary existence and how do you feel you would cope physically and emotionally with the prospect of never seeing or hearing another human being again until the day you die?


Awareness/Panic of suddenly not having anything familiar around, no one to discuss issues with, nobody at the end of a phone, No power being generated, clean water from taps, everything gone..., is truly no more!

Weekend engaged in thought, what would you do?

Siphon as much fuel I could find make sure I am able to get to a place where one may survive, no use locking doors with no one around, if able a first aid kit, some clothing.

Survival mode means being able to have water and food, find a place where you may find both, a farmstead where variety of foods are known to be planted. On arrival take stock of what is available, future planning saving seed to use from remaining growth in the ground,


River from mountain top runs through here, depending on events you may be fortunate to still have water either from river or borehole on the premises.


While on the move look for a dog or two to keep you company, a horse and zebra will do fine too.... You not going to have petrol for much longer!


Should you have good fortunate enough at a farm house, clear out dead and bury them to stop possibility of further scourge, assess implements available to use, you on your own now, every little thing will count as to how long you survive.

Life in tatters

Cities had been decimated leaving nothing working, with dead not buried disease would follow, how long you would be able to exist.


Uphill battle

If fauna and flora survive it would be the silver lining, you may as well be dead if you never hear birds sing, dogs barking, or some form of living creature around that really would be the end, you would go stark raving mad! Well I would....

Currently, the planet’s flora and fauna are dying at a much faster rate than is normal in nature. Scientists have warned we could be in the midst of a sixth major extinction event, which unlike previous extinction events is caused by human activity and could worsen if human-related greenhouse gas emissions continue unchecked. These are the 26 climate crisis disasters that will get worse if we do nothing. Caraclusmic Events That Changed The Earth Forever


Sharing some music I enjoyed listening to while writing today. Tune into Weekend Engagement and have fun!

Original Iron and Wine, Gregory Alan Isakov covers "The Trapeze Swinger"


Thought for Today: "If the moon loves you, why worry about the stars?" - African Proverb


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