Week 120: Weekend In Green feat Two Photos.

Every Friday I patiently wait for the weekend concept hosted by Sir @gallenkp on Weekend Experiences. As expected, he gave out good topics to be discussed again. There are four of them, and I chose the first one, which is "The Green Weekend." In this one, you need to focus on the color green in your two photos. By the way, if you haven't read his blog about this, here's the link.

To start with, I chose this one because where I live is just so perfect for capturing photos of your main subject, the color green. As some of you here already know, I lived here in the province, and farming is one of our livelihoods here.

This morning I woke up early to head out into the field to check on our rice plants. It was cloudy and it was raining a little bit here due to the typhoon which is going to hit Northern Luzon again. My province is included in the areas to be affected, so I need to check and make sure that our plants are in the right condition before it lands.

I thought that the sun would not take a peek today since the thick clouds were hindering it from doing so. While I was clearing the grass at the side of our farm, I felt warmth as the sun rays touched my skin. "Oh, what a sight to witness before the storm." I said to myself. I felt happy about what just happened.

As the sun continued to dominate the sky, the thick clouds slowly cleared up and I was able to see the blue sky. Those high mountains that surround us were finally in view, giving me a great view.

I already mentioned that we've already planted rice here and it's tall already. The vast area of rice fields here offers a great view when the rays of the sun hit those elongated leaves of rice. Their bright color of green is just so pleasant to the eyes, plus those gigantic mountains in view.


Here's a photo I took while the sun was warming the surroundings once more to illustrate what I mean.
I felt so calm while staring at that view. The green color of those leaves gives off a different vibe, bringing out the real beauty of the scene. I stared at it for almost twenty minutes and I almost lost track of the time.

Another photo that I took to show the power of green is this one.


I found this at the top of a decomposing log here beside our home when I was looking for something to capture after I've read the prompt and luckily I got a glance of it. As I checked what it was, I discovered that it's a pack of native guava seeds that have already grown.
Upon seeing this, my mind thought of it as a mini forest that's within a log. I saw ants between those baby seedlings as if they lived there because I saw that there was a pile of mud beside them. I'm really happy to see those ants wandering under those seedlings.

This thing also symbolizes a new born life, and I think it was great to see something like this while the storm is approaching. Also, this group of seedlings, which emit that bright green color, gave me the thought that life is full of surprises.

Some people may just consider it a simple encounter, but for me it's very meaningful since I really loved nature. For me to be able to witness such views, I can't help myself but to be filled with a lot of hope that we can get through the upcoming trials in our lives.

Thank you for reading, friends.

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