Hospitality In It's Finest To A Stranger.


This friday has been good to me and now I'm having my coffee with rice. You may find it weird but it tastes good for me and I can recommend it to you if you would like to try.

Dinner time has come and we already prepared the dishes and the foods on the table. We are about to sit down and have dinner when we heard our dogs barking loudly. I stand up and get my flashlight to check what it is because it's unusual for them to bark like that. Loud and aggressively. Something is definitely wrong, in my mind while walking towards our dogs.

I switched on my flashlight to check what's going on then something suddenly hide behind the gate. Our gate was widely open that time. It scared me for a bit then I told my dogs to stop. I approached the gate and I saw someone with ripped clothes. Not only that, his face was covered also with dirt.

I felt sad for him and my inner self was telling me to look after him so I asked his name and told him to stay with us for the weekend for the mean time.

It maybe uncomfortable for others out there to accommodate someone especially if they are a total stranger. Issues may arise and our trust towards a stranger may not be full due to the reason that we don't know a single bit of information about him or her. But despite of that I'm sure that a part of our conscience will be triggered and we may think to accommodate a stranger after all.

That kind of thinking is just natural to us humans but it's unnatural for us to be so unkind to someone we see for the first time.

With that situation I'm in I will gladly offer our house for him. I will tell him to feel at home and ask us if he need something. We need to understand them first before we judge a stranger.

Thus, we had our dinner that friday night and we talk about himself to know more about him. I offered him our extra room for visitors and told him that we can continue talking in the weekend.

Weekend has come and the sunrise always fascinate me. I went out of my bed and went straight to the kitchen to cook something to eat for our breakfast.

I'm cooking our rice when Joselito opened his door. It seems I woke him up because his room is just beside the kitchen. That's his name by the way.

I offered him a black coffee and his face lights up. I wonder why and he said that it's been a long time since he had his black coffee. I told him to just help his self when he wants to have some, our kitchen is open for him.

While I was frying some fish and eggplants, he opened about himself. Why he ended up like that and all. He told me that he's not from our place and somone just promised him a work but ended up being scammed. I felt sorry for him because he's from the province. A lot of the people from the province are being scammed by people who just want money.

I listened to his stories and his future plans. This is what we can do for strangers like Joselito. To listen to them because in every situation there's always a reason behind it.

After our long chitchat we had our brealfast. He will eat what we will eat. There's no need to separate his from from our and there's no need for it to be different from our food.

That will be the situation also for the meals we will have through out the weekend.

He said to me that he wants to look for work for his family needs allowance every month. I decided to help him in the way I can. He said that he will repay me when he will earn enough money.

I just smiled at him and said that there's no need for it. I accommodated him with full consent of my will. I also added that if one day and someone will ask for shelter and help, he should help that someone. I will be very happy if he pay it that way. He ageed to me and we had a deal.

After that we tour him around the city for him to familiarize the place just incase he can look for a job. We also include him to our daily routine which is to have exercise at home. He loves it very much.

All in all we accepted Joselito as a part of our family in the span of weekend.

Why I would do this? As a Filipino this kind of thing called hospitality is already running through my blood since the past so I will continue to execute it because in the first place it's the right thing to do. When someone need some help, if we can do it then we should.

This is my weekend entry hosted by sir @galenkp. If you want to join just visit this one and choose among the choices.

Thanks for reading upto this part.

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