Be Part Of The Solution, Not A Problem. [WE-Animal Cruelty]

First and foremost I'm really against animal cruelty and I can't stand people who do such things even if that certain animal did something. Arming our hands with steel is not the solution and they don't deserve it.

If you don't like to have pets or a certain animal, please do not harm them no matter what. They can be aggressive sometimes and that's only natural since that's how they protect themselves from danger. Animals out there excels at things we can't and we should make an example of them.

Some people out there resort to cruelty when an animal did something to them, such as dogs and cats especially those who live on the streets. And you know we can do our part in keeping them safe even if they are roaming out there by having the initiative to report to the authorities if you saw some violence or inappropriate actions towards them.

Most of us have mobile phones now and has good cameras so why not put it to good use. They can't protect themselves alone, they need our help for we are the highest form of animal. This kind of method has been observed in such cases here in our place and because of that the dogs here runs free and not worrying about their safety.

But some people just have a deep hatred towards them. Just like what happened to my dogs that they suddenly disappeared without a trace. What I suspect is that some people caught and killed them to sell their meat. I can't even imagine how they can swallow it.

Another solution that we can take to prevent this kind of things is that we can adopt them if we see that their owners are not capable of giving them their needs and safety. I know certain people here in our place that just throw away the babies of their cats to somewhere far away from their homes.


And my cat Shizu is one of them. She nearly experienced that cruelty from her previous owners. She has a sibling and has been adopted also by the friend of my grandmother and living a good life now.

The owners are about to left it in a far away place when my grandmother and her friend went to their house to asked something then they saw the innocent kittens like begging to save them. They took them with the permission of their previous owners ofcourse.




The cat that's about to die on the street before has now grew into a gorgeous and kind cat. I'm glad that we adopted her and because of that she gave birth to my new cat, Amanda.

That's why I made this a mission for me when I have the capacity soon to take in a lot of homeless dogs and cats. I want to fulfill this mission of mine and I know that there's a lot of stray dogs and cats that needs immediate help out there. Another thing you can do if you see some is that to report it to a shelter because I know that some people already built foundation that helps these kind of animals on the streets. Please do have the initiative to do so.

In that way we can make this a better world not just for us humans but for them also. It's better that way than to enjoy the beautiful world with them suffering.

This is my entry for the weekend prompt and you can still join.

Thank you for reading.

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