Always receive without forgetting.

I agree with the fact that generosity is a wondrous thing and comes with great benefit to the giver, no wonder it is well known that givers never lack so long they have given with good intentions.

Has someone ever shown generosity towards me?


The answer is YES, and the recent generosity was shown just a few hours ago before publishing this post.

The generosity came from a woman who stays in the shelter with me. According to my findings so far since I got here, I got to know that only two families can stay in the shelter, they probably don't want the apartment to be crowded. It's a 2 bedroom flat.

The generosity came in form of cash, and it was given to me directly from her. I never wanted to collect the money, I was like "no, no, it's fine, we are one please".
However, she insisted and said, "please don't reject it, this is coming from my heart just to appreciate you for being so nice and helpful".

At that point, I said it was alright, and told her "thank you ma" with a smile on my face.

what prompted the generosity?

The owner of the shelter had transferred some money earlier to the matron who is in charge and stays with us. She wanted to make sure that we celebrate Easter and have fun as a family. Preparations were made and I volunteered to go to the market to get the items we would use in cooking the Easter rice, chicken and drinks.

Before I left the house, my shelter colleague requested that I help her get some foodstuffs. She gave me her debit card and the card pin, then I left.

On getting to the market, I went around, searching for the things that I had on the list. By the time I was done, the bag was already filled up and was very heavy. There was no way I could walk down to the shelter even though it wasn't so far from the market. Due to the heavy bag, I was holding, I had to stop a tricycle from getting to the main road.

Within a few minutes, I arrived at the estate gate, got down from the tricycle, lifted the bag and placed it on my head then walked to the flat.

They welcomed me when they saw that I was the one at the door. I brought the bag down and brought out all that I bought. I gave the woman (my shelter colleague) the things she asked me to buy with her balance, and I kept the Easter food items aside.

The generosity.

I was in the kitchen washing the chicken I bought so I could steam it when she came in and said "thank you so much" with her hands stretched towards me as she signaled that it was for me.
She insisted even though I refused and I finally collected it with a grateful heart.

The impact or effect it had on me.

The cash she gave me is an addition to what I already have in my wallet which I'm grateful for. Even though we've only known each other for a while, I realized that she is indeed a nice and generous person.

I overheard speaking with the matron about how the person who helps her in going to the market before would always cheat her by giving fake prices because she wanted profit and there was nothing she could be because her moving into the shelter is restricted due to the case that made her come to the shelter.

In summary, it's good to be good and honest in all that we do because doing otherwise only brings us down.

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