WE 156: My three meaningful words

Happy 3rd year anniversary to weekend engagement! Cheers to more weeks, months and years to come!


Health is something that everyone needs or wants. It is a complete well being of one's physical, mental, social and even spiritual. These four aspects should be healthy so we could enjoy this life to the fullest.

Physical health is one thing I really want to have for myself and my family. I always pray for a good physical health but prayer is not enough and will be useless if we don't take our part too to take care of our body.

I would like to share some practices that I have to help myself and my family to have a good health.

Plant for our own consumption.

Gardening is really beneficial. It helps us to exercise, to relax our mind, to have some bonding and the best is that we provide our own food. We cannot provide everything but at least we provided some through gardening.

Cook our own food.

Cooking our own food is a great way to save and we can cook a simple yet delicious and nutritious food. I admit that the food I cooked is not delicious to many but I know it is good for me and my family. I am not using MSG in cooking, only salt and the natural flavors of the vegetables.

Eat fruits and vegetables more, meat less.

Eating fruits and vegetables along with grains and nuts is the original diet and it really gives proper nutrition to our body. I prefer to eat more fruits and vegetables than meat. I also train my son to eat if possible all kinds of fruits and vegetables but being a G6PDD child limits some of it.

There are still more but I just share those three practices that I have to take care our health.

We only have one life, let's take care of it so we won't die prematurely.


We usually define wealth as having an abundance money, rich or having a lot of possessions and properties. Yes me too, look wealth in that way. Honestly speaking, I don't have a lot of money, I don't have properties and I am not rich. I am wishing to be wealthy that one day helping others would be easy. Don't get me wrong, yes we can help in different ways. What I mean is helping those people who hardly have food on their tables. I know that we cannot give something that we don't have.

Despite of that wish, I also look wealth in different perspective. Health is wealth so we need to take care of ourselves. Beauty, knowledge, power, money and everything will be useless if we don't have good health.

Being a mother, I also consider that my child is my wealth. I need to guide him and mold him to be a good person for his fellow beings and for God.

Good character is wealth. This is the only one we could bring to heaven. Yes you read it right, all the money, houses, properties, and everything we have on this earth will remain on this place. We cannot bring them when we died but if we have good character, we could bring it to heaven.


I love nature and being with nature is satisfying and relaxing. I love to hear the chirping birds praising their creator early in the morning before the sun rises. I love the calming sound of the rivers and the waves of the ocean. My heart is glad inhaling the fresh air from the mountains. I like the relaxing greens of the grasses and trees.

I would always love to be with nature, everywhere with it, my heart is jumping full of happiness.

This is my participation for the weekend engagement week 156 and I chose Three meaningful words. Thank you so much sir @galenkp for this initiative.

Thank you for reading. See you around.

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