Weekend-Engagement: WEEK 156 - Three year anniversary week!

There are three classes of people: those who see, those who see when they are shown, those who do not see.

- Leonardo da Vinci -


It's been three years since this concept started, not the community though, that's been around longer; one hundred and fifty six straight weeks of #weekend-engagement topics, so this week is all about the number three. Feel free to join in if you're so inclined, or ignore it completely, it's your choice; Either way, I hope you have a great weekend.

Once again, I'm here with some writing suggestions in case you are looking for something to post about over the weekend. I'll wrap up the weekend on Monday with my highlights post so please follow the guidelines below to be eligible. Post in the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES Community and follow the guidelines to be eligible for curation and the highlights post.

Follow these guidelines

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☑️ Use #weekend-engagement as the first tag of your post
☑️ Post in the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community (no cross-posts)

☑️ Use photos you took where possible (it shows character and personality)
☑️ Follow all the community rules - Post in ENGLISH only (not multi-language)
☑️ Entries close at 07:30 UTC Monday 5 June (Link to UTC converter)

Writing topics

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Three minutes to speak

If you only had three minutes to speak to your partner before you lost your ability to speak forever what would you tell him or her and why? Write a post of at least 300 words and use photos you took if possible.

Three dollars

If I gave you three American dollars and asked you to buy me anything at all, but you could only spend three US dollars, what would you buy me and why? Write a post of at least 300 words and use photos you took if possible.

Three lives

If you were granted three lives, meaning you could die twice and come back for a third, how would you live the first two? Would you take more risks, play it safe or find a balance between both? Explain yourself in a post of at least 300 words and use photos you took if possible.

Three meaningful words (topic one)

Select (only) three words that describe your looks, personality, mindset or attitude, and explain each one in a post of at least 300 words and use photos you took if possible.

Three years

If you had to spend three years together with only one single person (other than yourself), who would it be and why? (Your current partner, friends and family are excluded from this answer.) Explain in a post of at least 300 words and use photos you took if possible.

Three meaningful words (topic two)

Pick any three of the following words (only three) and explain what they mean to you and how they fit into your life in a post of at least 300 words and use photos you took if possible.

Honour, integrity, effort, love, truth, sex, friendship, health, generosity, courtesy, humility, revenge, thoughtfulness, selfishness, intelligence, aggression, deception, violence, caring, responsibility, greed, patience, understanding, spitefulness, ignorance, determination, carelessness, boobs, ambition, adventure, empathy, courageous, critical, libidinous, wealth, destructive, need, respect, wife, husband, hubris, sadistic, ego, beauty, tragedy, nature, weekend.

Comply with the guidelines if you want your post to be eligible

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Curation is based on post quality, effort and personality and I prefer to see photos the author has taken personally rather than stock images. Only original content is acceptable - I don't want to see AI content. Please double check your post against the guidelines above for eligibility.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default, tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp

[All original and proudly AI free]

The image in this post is my own and is not for your use

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