True Beauty Lies Beneath!!!

I want to appreciate @galenkp for the beautiful topics he has been churning out every week, for the past four years, it couldn't have been easy.

His brain helps!

Amongst the many topics, I have chosen to write on this one ;

Would you have cosmetic surgery to enhance your body or not? Explain.

To start with, I'm a little bit too short, not as curvaceous as I would have loved, butts too flat, busts not bursting, tummy protruding with too much fat, far from having that glass hour figure I seriously craved for. Facially, very angular features, not well rounded, with my nose a little bit too flat, I would have preferred it aquiline shaped, my lips full and sexy, my eyes catlike as-that-is-what-is-in-vogue-now, and so on and so forth. These are more than enough reasons to go under the knife, for that perfect super model face and figure.... But hell no!!!!

While I may not have the height or curves of a supermodel, and my facial features might not fit traditional beauty standards, I embrace my uniqueness and choose not to alter myself surgically for a supposed ideal. I would rather work on my inner self to achieve the beauty that lies within.

I have had dealings with a lot of people to understand where beauty truly Lies, within and it can never be superficial, no not at all!!!

I was taught to love myself and to feel very confident and comfortable, even in the midst of 'Supermodels' and to look beyond the superficial and assess people based on what they are beneath all that suaveness and their aesthetic appearances.

Then what of the pains and dangers involved? Aesthetic surgery to enhance one's looks could be dangerous and painful. The story of the former first Lady of My Country, Stella Obasanjo, who died while going under the knife to enhance her looks, quickly comes to mind. What of the late Pop Star, Michael Jackson? And so many others who have gone for good, just trying to up the ante in the area of their physical looks.

I wouldn't do it for these reasons given above, life doesn't have a duplicate so one should avoid uncalculated risks while aspiring to live it to the fullest.

If you want to participate, you can check it out here, and please do well to check the deadline for submission.

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