WE89: If you could... A difficult decision.

Source Pixabay, user Bessi

These questions in this week's WE89 are quite difficult. Especially number two and number 4, an ethical dilemma lurks in these choices 😩.
But being in a difficult situation we forget everything and just have to act according to our judgment, no matter what the rest thinks, at least not at that moment.
There are answers that leave you with your mouth open, good thing there are none that are quite predictable the answer. For example:

Would you save your pet or an unknown baby?

People always bet on what is politically correct according to humans, but that is not the absolute truth. There will always be people who think differently and in the end they will be judged by their answers. I've already had a couple of occasions where I've been chastised for obviously choosing the being next to me that I know. My pets or my cat family as I call them.
I'm not going to choose a stranger, even if it's a baby, but it would still be painful to go through something like that. It would hurt my soul to hurt a child and I would surely save it in another circumstance without hesitation.
But since I'm one of those people who wants to challenge myself, I'll pick @galenkp toughest question.

Option two: If you could save
If you could save only one child from a burning house who would you choose to save and why? They are six-year-old twins, a boy and girl and the one you do not save will die. What is the logic behind your choice and possible implications moving forward.

Source Pixabay, user fish96

She was awakened by the barking of Rex, who was sleeping in the front yard. Suddenly she began to feel very hot, her body sweating wildly. She set about turning on the air conditioning, before going to quiet the dog. When he realized that it was not the weather that was causing the heat wave. It was the house that was on fire and the smoke was spreading everywhere.

Her only thought was to protect her 6-year-old twin sons. They were sleeping in the room next to hers, and she immediately ran terrified to the scene.
Her little ones were crying, both hugging each other trying to calm their fears.

The mother took them in her arms and ran into the hallway to go down the stairs. But unfortunately the stairs were on fire and the only option for her was to climb out of her bedroom window. Her frightened mind thought for a few seconds how she could save her children. There were two of them, it was impossible to jump the meters from the window to the front yard. The only chance would be to grab one of them and hug him tightly so that the fall would hit her and not the child she would choose.

But then came the question, which no mother should have to go through, which of my two children will I save?

He quickly grabbed one of them, while the other cried inconsolably at the sight of his mother abandoning him to his fate in the midst of the flames.
The woman fell to the ground in the garden full of physical pain, but the emotional pain was even more painful for her. Before losing consciousness she hears a fireman coming to her aid. With relief she sees how he takes her daughter from her arms, safe and sound...


Source Pixabay, user CDD20

My response to this short story

This is more difficult than I thought, trying to look inside myself and understand why I would choose one over the other. Well here is the answer to all this dilemma.

I chose the girl because she will most likely be a mother in the future and yes, the boy could also have been a father. But for me the love of a mother is stronger than that of a father(Of course there are exceptions).
Also a man and a woman have such different emotions. Most of the crimes are committed by men and as they themselves say, everything in this world was created by them. And this world or society is really lost.
There are too many horrible things in the present, nothing that men can be proud of, such as wars or male violence.
I don't hate men, if a woman mistreats a man I will defend him as if it were a woman. But this question required an answer and I have given it, not at all easy of course.

But still that mother in the story, according to my own thoughts and emotions, would have a lot of pain in her soul.
The ending, after 20 years would be as follows:

She realizes that in all those years she has given the best to her daughter and that she has grown into a grown woman who can fend for herself.
So she decides to end her pain once and for all.
One day her family found her dead at home, a victim of suicide. She could not bear the screams of her son that she heard over and over again every night, after his death. She could never get over the fact that she was to blame for that tragedy.

I'm the type to save even ants, so imagine how hard it is for someone like me to decide whether to take the life of another being, especially a child.
But when you care about someone and get to know them, you create a bond of affection, regardless of the species.

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Publication translated into English with DeepL

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