Who loves you ... || Week: 214

He, she, doesn't abuse you. They don't mistreats and cannot doomed to suffer for all time.

This must be remembered when dealing with passive-aggressive relationships, where you suffer a lot, there are deep emotional wounds from abuse, mistreatment that is received daily.

There are different types of love language but ABUSE is NOT one of them!!!

Things have to be said as they are and many times we say to love, we say to love and yet we hurt, abusing. Whether it's a couple, family, friends, co-workers, the truth is that we forget about values such as loyalty, honesty and commitment, and we do harm.

Why is it essential to value those who love you and how to avoid continuing to repeat that pattern of behavior?.

Because with the story that: ”I love you in my way", that means that they are going to have you fucked and that is also abuse and they are not loving you, nor considering you as a person.

That is why it is said that love is an art: You have to be very aware of every word, every decision and every action to manifest the feeling and not give space to abuse, to mistreatment of the loved one, of the "friend" or of the co-worker.

It is deeply painful to face these situations.

It's hard to live something like that...did it happen to you? Start by going out and distracting your mind. Take care of doing different things than you did with the abuser and eventually you will stop thinking about it, feeling anxiety about returning to the vicious circle, you have to give time to time, but run away from there.

Really, those who suffer from such a situation should not be criticized or judged because they feel trapped with no way out, I always recommend leaning a lot on your close support group to get out of there with determination, hand in hand with psychological therapy, it is the most sensible thing, besides to get out of that hell it is essential to set limits based on mental and emotional health.

Fear is something that spoils our life. We are so full of fears, that we are able to stop feeling and living, just because of fear.


Icons by: Icofinder

Separator made with [Canva] ( https://www.canva.com /) by @janitzearratia

The images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the eighties Rolleiflex 2.8f camera, and edited with [Canva] ( https://www.canva.com /)

Translation with / [DeepL] (www.DeepL.com/Translator (English version))

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