My next weekend at the beach

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What I like most in life is the habit of inventing reasons to live it everyday.

-Janitze Arratia-

My next weekend at the beach

I spend my life between issues and challenges... one culminates and the other begins. Some with more obstacles and others lighter.

All are perfect, all include packages of learning and transformation to my soul. I live the world in the chosen story.

And in that reverie of my story I choose to enjoy soon a reunion with friends, those I have kept for many years, those who help me in the distance to deliberately execute my purposes, consciously, in the spaces where the mind inhabits my best kept desires.

I imagine and visualize an ideal weekend near the sea, I know it will be possible and very soon, a wish fulfilled, I think it will be for the month of August.

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I also know that there are no mistakes and the world is perfectly mathematical, everything will fit according to my thoughts, beliefs and memories, so I visualize that great moment, that reunion with my college friends.

I have planned and aspire to let go of the degree and need for control that I currently have, also a product of the instability in all aspects in my country.

I am convinced that this weekend will help me a lot to take the stones out of my backpack, those that I carry on my back and extend the moments of "happiness", a true art for me as a human being.

In my dreams are present these mini vacations of 3 days (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) with return, Sunday night, I long for them near the sea, in a place that is paradisiacal, quiet, that invites to relax to meet again with those people I value, whom I miss and that when you see them again it is as if no time has passed.

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That even though the years go by the joy and excitement to see them remain intact because the distance does not always interrupt what you sow ... The good and sincere friendship.

There are so many moments that are stuck in my heart that in one weekend, after 5 years without seeing them, I will recover the time, emotions and joy.

A longed reunion of those that you do not want to end the days with your loved ones that when you return to everyday life they ask you and how was your weekend trip Janitze?, what did you buy on your walk? and me? 😶, please I just wanted to see and share with my friends 💕!

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These friends from when I was in college, now scattered in the world, who accompanied me in the good times and in the most complex ones.

In the moments of greater scope, a joke and a word of encouragement. They are part of my great tree of life, growth, support, time to listen and make a healthier life.



I imagine with them that weekend, sitting by the sea, all around a campfire, singing, dreaming, laughing and loving those moments.

Currently, we are in talks planning those three days in August, uf is that I think about it and I get excited. They are part of a group of unconditional support to remember, rediscover and retake paths to move forward.

We are looking for a place that is easily accessible for everyone and for those who are far away from this South American continent (Latin America) will be present via videoconference, even technology brings us closer when we want to share (I hope to have a good signal in the place).

There is always an excuse to get together and have a good time with friends, especially after this year that has been different, pandemic and all. Everything is interesting, the story and the ratico of life is part of the personal and collective script.



I imagine myself sitting in front of the sea with my friends, letting the wind ruffle my hair to smile again, building new memories and experiences to keep them in the infinite space of my mind and heart.

That longed-for weekend has colors, aromas and so I am making it, creating it to reinvent myself and enjoy in the right measure the size of our weekend commitment in the month of August.

Time marked in my agenda to relive again that feeling and personal conviction, the language of the soul is not wrong next to my usual friends, those who accompany me, teach and entertain, we are 6 close friends, great bonds of friendship that we will relive again very soon in the month of August.

I know that it will not be easy to coordinate the 3 days, that we will sleep little, it will be a magical moment of those where time stops to see each other and when we open our eyes we will be back to the arena, to the daily life, strong, happy, full of hope and brotherly love.

And for the brain everything is true, everything is symbolic and time does not exist and everything good and endearing as our friendship can come true, another reunion, any weekend to love, create, reinvent and enjoy life with those who have to be.



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Photografy of @janitzearratia Edition by @janitzearratia-canva

Thank you for allowing me to write in #theweekend ,in each story I create I plant seeds that determine the motivations that drive me to go for more, I use the truth to explore what happens in my life and my emotional memories to nurture my work and what life has given me as a learning and tool to share with all of you who read me.

Photografy by courtesy of Canva
Edition by @janitzearratia Canva

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Translation with| DeepL

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