What annoys you about modern society? The misuse of technology



Excuse me, I will rephrase the title of the post to: What would change about the modern world?

Extreme dependence on technology. Of course, that's easier said than done. Right now, there is a controversy over the overwhelming advance of so-called artificial intelligence (AI). Here at Hive, where the use of the brain is touted, one must be concerned about meeting the challenge posed by AI.

I have written a bit about the dangers associated with artificial intelligence. In particular, focusing on the prediction of it becoming self-aware: ChatGPT = ULTRON - SKYNET - HAL9000. 😲 Undoubtedly, for now, the deadly threat is just a tool, an assistant in free training in both directions, where who contributes the most is the human. In the end, nothing is free and the cost is you, you are no longer the final consumer, but the transient. In any case, you will agree that AI is neither good nor bad: it depends on the intention and how it is used.

By the way, I just enjoyed the excellent article on the subject by @irvinc, my esteemed countryman and fellow member of the now-disbanded Original Content team in Spanish (Cervantes). If you haven't read it, I invite you to take a look at it (See here). Maybe you will see yourself reflected as I do, who enjoys the act of writing fiction. In fact, Hive has been a school for me to practice and improve my skills as a writer. As far as I know, AI can't compete in this: enjoying your creation.


I was recently reported to the HiveWatchers, the thought police here, and received a reprimand based on downvote weight. Plus the threat of being blacklisted, should I re-offend. Something that got me thinking beyond the incentive model - will Hive's days be numbered?

I also thought about reputation, and said to myself: fuck it, who values reputation more than yourself these days?

I know a saying that goes, "He who does not know, is as he who does not see." These last few months I have been away from digital life to face the real one. By the way, a very hard and exhausting stage in every sense, seeing the deterioration of my mother-in-law that led her to the fate reserved for all. Well, believers in the trans-humanist chimera aspire to escape. If they succeed, surely, you who read me will not be on this list of materialistic immortality, and who knows, if you are lucky enough not to lose your humanity because of the fear of the natural process!

So, for obvious reasons, I missed the position on AI in Hive. Well, there is also a legal maxim that says that ignorance of the law, does not imply non-compliance with it. In these cases, there are mitigating factors. However, I wonder, was there a binding consultation with the members of the community for such purposes? If so, how was the decision process? Sorry, the weight of the vote tips the balance. Plutocratic: Imperfect, but effective.

In August I will be in my fourth year here, God willing. Those who know me know that I am not one to commit fraud. At least, not consciously. Oh... Fuck! I realize that I am just a collection of stories, photos, music, and thoughts entered from a keyboard that has left traces in a blockchain that will most likely be forgotten despite the immutability of the records.


So, my first impression was one of surprise when I saw the comment in the publication where I used this technology. Of course, I'm no fool, and I knew immediately where the shots were coming from.

I was caught red-handed! Ha, ha, ha, ha. Forgive me if I can't express my naive sarcasm perfectly in written words. Don't misunderstand me. I am not complaining, nor do I want to ridicule this methodology to counteract pernicious actions. I respect the work of the HiveWatchers. For many years, thirty years to be exact, I belonged in my country to a branch of the State whose motto was an honor, and whose purpose was to give guarantees and security to the citizen. I am no longer sure of that.

To make a long story short, I started my arguments with a spontaneous and raw sincerity. Yes, I am exploring chatbots. And while ChatGPT, or any other, surprises in the first instance, it still needs the interaction of a talented and knowledgeable human to write a halfway decent text.

Obviously, the whistleblower and the decision maker in judging any suspected inappropriate behavior in the community must use brain proof to distinguish the intent of AI use: in my judgment at this point, one more tool among the thousands of products of humanity's collective ingenuity.

For example, I corroborated firsthand, how the AI will fail miserably when generating a story based on a historical character, in an acceptable but not credible way. So, it still requires the interaction of your imperfect and limited brain: a marvel in itself that seeks to be replicated. Now, I understand why you are wary of disinformation - how can you be certain of the truth? To your defense, in this case, you will agree with me that in fiction, lies varnished with imagination prevail. Not to mention that truth is an apparent construct that depends on the observer. Wow, I don't know if I believe this statement that devolved in my mind just as I wrote this! I'm not so different from the Chatbot. 🙄

Yes, definitely, we are in trouble.

So, I understand the arguments of those who are against it and how fuzzy the irruption of bringing this technology to the public is. For those who write here at Hive, it is a relative threat. For now, AI-assisted writings are labeled as SPAM (spam) and fraudulent intent. Consequently, I also understand the clarifications of some Hivewriters in their posts indicating that their content is AI-free or they do not use it outside of a copyright-respectful framework.

I don't know! Whether to swim against the current or go with it. I would like to escape the system, but I fear the same fate as an animal born in captivity in the face of sudden dangerous freedom. I am not so young anymore.

I recognize my enthusiasm for progress, but I do not deny the process of obsolescence. Sometimes I think of abandoning the digital world at the time of the massification of the use of this technology. However, thinking coldly is an option every day becomes unrealistic.

Forgive me if as a human being, I rambled trying to answer the Prompt of the host of this space to give content to the question. Maybe if I had resorted to ChatGPT or one of its masks the message would have been more direct and understandable. Perhaps we will no longer be able or want to leave dependence on technology without taking a leap into the void. But at least let's try not to let it atrophy the brain that sustains our unique mind.

Yes, words have power if they arouse emotions and feelings. AI-like chatbots are mere artifices that well employed will be at the service of creative laziness. I advocate this without giving up the escape from the paradise that is intended to be the society from which we come.

What if we are actually in hell? Then I must escape as soon as possible.

In the meantime, I wish you enjoy this beautiful weekend. Life is beautiful.

Originally written in Spanish and transferred to English with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) to be posted for the first time here on Hive.

Captura de pantalla 2023-04-08 a la(s) 8.53.17 p. m..png

Source: Screenshot of human handwriting validation using https://www.zerogpt.com/


My friend @galenkp, I wish I could be AI-free like you. But still, my English is not good enough to attempt pure writing, without assistance from translators based on the simulation of neural networks that break down language barriers, such as DeepL. Yes, we are on our way to universal science fiction translators. However, someone might think I'm trying to abuse the reward pool, so attach the image to verify my human typing with https://www.zerogpt.com/. Oh! To my surprise, I verified @irvinc's well-founded fear in the heat of the moment.

The AI did not pass the brain proof. It doesn't know how to distinguish between ChatGPT and DeepL. So, curators be careful when using these tools.


The photos were taken by me


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