[WE] Week 156. Last minutes of composed and comprehensive words.

This will probably be the last time you will hear such words from me, the sounds to your ears will keep sounding whenever we sit closely this way, my love will keep on the light part my heart will continue to beat for you and the candle will never go out as the fire will keep burning.

Giving response to one of the questions asked in the WEEKEND EXPERIENCE "You have three minutes to talk to your partner what will you say?

This question is a wonderful one that requires one to think very closely before answering it.


What will be the words?

Every sweet word that will be pleasing to the heart is what my partner will hear.

I love is a common sentence used by everyone who tends to show how much they care for someone.

Of course, I care and love my partner but this time around the words need to come with some sweet aroma, sweet melody, sweet emotion, and beyond everything the words need to show themselves, like transform into what my partner can see and feel since that will be the last time she will get to hear some composed sound coming from me.

So the words she will get to hear is **I LOVE YOU. **

It will come in such a way that the sound will never erase from her ears her heart will always remind her of these sounds lastly, since we never were conversant with the way of life we are about to go into I prefer we both go into it together as me going dumb means I will have to learn sign language so if I have to then she also will have to enroll with me so we can learn together so as not to encounter difficulty when communicating.

And the reason why I do is that I LOVE HER

**To have someone understand your mind is a different kind of intimacy. **

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