Without Hive, I'll miss you, yes, you. (WE91)

First, I'll say a big thank you to all the Hive accounts that will be mentioned in this post and the wonderful souls behind each of them. You guys are the reason I keep subscribing to my data plan just so I can be here. To see your posts, and interact with your comments. If saying you are my life support is acceptable, then, know that you are.
I am wondering how my journey through Hive would have been if I didn't get to meet either of you. One way or the other, you are the reason my account is what it is today. It couldn't have been my abilities alone. Your unending support in the form of upvotes, comments, encouragement, and interactions have brought me this far.

Brace yourself for this is going to be a long post. Let's get started. Here goes one of the questions by @galenkp for this weekend

Imagine that Hive ceased to exist. Which Hive accounts (people not communities) would you miss and why?

In no particular other, here are the names of accounts I would miss and my reasons.

My First Supporter @kenechukwu97

This hive account was the first account to support me when I got here. I was struggling with my HP and Resource Credit when he met me. And he did the most amazing thing ever. He had a 100HP delegated to me out of the blue. I couldn't believe my luck.

I would miss him because he was the first account who taught me that Hive is about helping others grow as much you do. And that with all amount of generosity, we all can move the platform forward. I haven't been able to thank him enough for everything. I just want him to know that he made a young girl stand out amid the crowd through his generosity. And I am grateful to him forever.

My Role Model @dreemsteem

As a result of meeting @kenechukwu97, my circle expanded. And the one person I met and fell in love with is this account. It felt as though she came from another planet entirely. For she has an energy that can blow your mind away. You'll have no excuse but to go with the flow, and always want to listen to her talk or read the messages embedded in her posts and comments.

Speaking of comments, I'll miss her because there is this effect she has on me every time she is on my post. I am always on top of the world any day my post draws her attention to me. I adore her. I respect her. And I don't even have the right words to explain how I feel about her.

She always has the right words at the right time to fill in all of the right gaps. She is gifted with words. And God helps her, she has found amazing ways to use them.

My Entrepreneur @clixmoney

It probably has something to do with the name of his account, "clix" and "money" combined in union, harmony, and enriched with purpose. This is the way I feel about this account.

You know when you are struggling with writer's block and someone is asking you to stand on the shoulders of Giants and Grow tall? Well, that's what @clixmoney does to me with his #dcc tag initiative.

Given the circumstances surrounding most of my writings, I have had occasions when I tapped into the knowledge of his initiative to come up with a blog post. All I needed to do was reach out to the folks who weren't suffering any writer's block for that day. As long as they had inspiring and convincing messages on their posts. I'll draw my inspiration from them, and write my posts. Of course, the deal is to credit them by mentioning them, and their posts along with the best part of their writing.

Yes, @clixmoney will be missed because he gave me shoulders of Giants to stand upon in those days when I had writer's blocks. And I urge him to continue to find ways to encourage us to write and support one another.

My growth inventor @starstrings01

This blog post wouldn't be complete without this account, that in my opinion, would be absurd. For everything I have, I owe a part of it to him and one other person you'll be finding out soon.

I wouldn't have met such amazing friends if he hadn't had the vision to create the newbies initiative. It was this program that gave me that-needed publicity and visibility.

Therefore, I would miss this account because he gave me an empty cheque to grow my account, and I had it filled. Then present it to the rest of the accounts I met here.

It's more like getting accepted into a popular and well-respected institution in your country. And once you are there, you'll earn the respect of being a part of a prestigious institution. At the same time, you get to earn other favors that boost your personality.

My weirdo @joeyarnoldvn.

My first encounter was like destiny and I was attracted to him because he wrote things differently. I was wondering how he could type close to 3000 words of text daily. I had him engaged in conversations.

The most stunning thing about him was the number of social media accounts that he had. I have had more than one social media account and I know how tasking it was to handle all of them. Here was an accountant that had a lot of them, and he seem to be able to keep track of them all.

I'll miss this account because he was the one who talked me out of getting a tattoo. He explained the health implications of getting one and he was convincing enough. At the same time, he had advised that I had more sources of income and try as much as I can to make some of them offline. I still haven't forgotten this advice and I am doing my best to get to them.

My financial advisor @seesladen

I have no idea where this account has run off to but let someone tell him I am already missing him. He does everything finance, and in between the various conversations I have had with him, I am convinced he knows his numbers.

I am already missing him because I miss the days when I have to bug him with financial questions and he'll answer them all. One of these days I hope that he'll come back to me. ... Lol

My constant supporter @ijohnsen

Check all of my posts, this Champ has been on almost all of them. At some point, I feel guilty that I do not visit his posts as much as he visits mine. I love receiving notifications for his comments because I know in between those lines, he'll call me, Champ, lol.

Yes, you already know why I'll miss him. Let me make it clearer though. I'll miss him because I would no longer have someone who consistently comes around, reads, and leaves feedback on my writings. He is such a lovely soul.

My book lover @stevenson7

I owe this account an apology over and over again. For always missing our book club meetings. I need to be scolded and flogged for this misbehavior.

However, I want you to know that he puts me on my toes when it comes to reading. He seems to have all the time in the world to just read and write reviews. I envy him though. He is doing the one thing I am always afraid of doing with so much ease... Book Reviews.

I tried to be a bit closer to him so I can tap into his abilities. And one of these days, I have a feeling, he'll pass me his mantle of honor. Lol.

My Success Initiator @b0s

As a result of the newbies initiative, I met this account. I had no idea he had fallen in love with my writing until he confessed it to a superior Hiver. Oh my goodness, and this act brought me all the success I have today.

The fact that he did this gave me the encouragement to continue, and even write on days I would rather sleep and do nothing.

He is the other person to whom I owe everything I have to as I told you above. He is my knight in shining armor. I still think of his actions and how they propelled me to a height I might not have been able to do on my own.

I'll miss him because he showed me what love is. Love in plain language without any iota of selfishness. He is my best shot at everything you have seen about my account. He orchestrated everything.

My fellow Ladies with a difference, @consciouscat @merit.ahama, @khaleesii, @princessbusayo, @wolfofnostreet, @adoore-eu, @jessicaossom, @carlynn, @peaq, and @deraaa

Have you seen this particular list? Save it. For these are amazing ladies with a difference. They have the power to light up your blog and comment section.

I am always looking forward to any of their comments once I see the red dot on my profile. They have been my supporters from day one. And as though they have timetables, they come around as often as they can. And every time they show up, I have these wonderful feelings in my tummy that I cannot explain.

I would miss their gist modes, their funny comments, the emojis, and the jokes we crack. We understand one another and you'll enjoy our fights, and chats, back and forth as you read them.

Meet my positive-minded lady @amberkashif

You might not know how much encouragement and positive vibes feel until you meet her. She tends to turn all of your negative thoughts into positive-influenced ones.

She has no space for negativity. She always finds the best part of everything. And she can encourage others with everything she has in her. She is just so amazing.

I am grateful I met her on Hive and if Hive was no more, I would miss listening to her try to encourage me to go further regardless of the challenges.

The accounts I envy. @dswigle, @ifarmgirl, @mistural and @itsostylish

My envy is totally unharmful. It's only the mere desire to be like them. And I am doing as much as I can to reach their status on Hive. I'll miss them because when I look at the things they do on Hive, I am amazed, and my desire to break even becomes intense.

Are there more names that I would Miss?

You can bet they are.

@samsmith1971: For always encouraging me to join any of the Dreemport challenges and sharpen my writing abilities

@jamerussell: For always being on my post and helping me with grammatical errors and recently blowing my mind off with an unexpected gift.

@mistakili: when I look at his wallet, I find reasons to consistently save a portion of my HBD. I envy the interest rates he received... hehehe. Therefore, he is my motivation to keep saving no matter how small for a better tomorrow.

@josediccus: This guy is a walking perfectionist. I don't know if he knows or has been told but that's the way I see him. Everything he does, he aims for perfection. I would miss reading his financial blogs as it centers upon my country's challenges. He draws me closer to home and makes me keep remembering my origin.

@trippymane: My emoji partner. I would miss competing for the leaderboard on emoji usage on the platform....duuuhhh 😂😂😂

@goldgrifin007: I met him on a religious post only one to discover he has yearnings and desires for the forbidden experiences... hehehe. Don't mind me, I am pulling someone's legs. I would miss talking to him about sex and the plights of my country. He is an open-minded individual and I like that about him.

@doziekash: this account is always oppressing me with his fictional writing abilities.... hehehehe...one of these days, he'll have to tutor me...I would miss reading his mind-blowing movie scripts....yes, movie scripts....@doziekash argue with yourself 😂😂😂.

Wait a minute, he likes being in the women's gossip room too. 🤣🤣🤣🤣 @merit.ahama can testify to this 😅😅😅

@mayorkeys and @typebox: one of the accounts that come around my post every time and leaves behind a comment on the sands of time.

@samostically and @ovey10: if these two had magic, they would uncover my identity....lol. I'll miss them both for their insistence curiosity about who I am.

Breathe....it's over

Not at all. There are more names. I wish I had the grace to mention everyone. You all are loved. Thanks for always having my back. 🌝❤️

Would you love to join the #weekend-engagement topic/writing challenge? here is the description link. Cheers.

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