What I Bake for Christmas Dinner - Weekend-Engagement writing prompts: WEEK 135

A new weekend and a good proposal from our friend @galenkp in his #weekendexperiences community, I like 4 of the proposals and I will start with Foody feels at the weekend.

Friend, I hope to get the drool out of your mouth seeing these dishes that we prepare at Christmas, so once a year they are prepared and are the most anticipated at the table in every Venezuelan house to share with family and friends.


This Pasticho (lasagna) if we usually bake it from time to time, when we want to apply the saying of Jerry Hall, with which you begin the publication:

The great thing about baking is that you can bring in an apple pie when you have company and say, 'I baked this for you,' and people love it. Men love it when you bake a pie for them.
-Jerry Hall-

With which I strongly agree, the cook likes to hear congratulations for having made an exquisite dish.

The difference between pasticho and lasagna is that pasticho has 1 layer of pasticho sheets, a very juicy bolognese sauce, a layer of ham, a layer of mozzarella cheese to melt, a layer of béchamel sauce. Some add a layer of fried sliced ​​plantains, a layer of cooked potatoes, and a layer of cooked carrots. Ours did not have a banana, potatoes or carrots and it was delicious.

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This baked leg is a piece of pork that we marinated and we put raw pineapple wheels on it, but the presentation did not turn out very well, since my son put the liquefied marinade on it after placing the pineapple decoration and how black it looks are the raisins that I add as decoration.

The cooking time in the oven is 5 hours depending on the oven in your house, so my son put it in the oven at 12:30 midnight and took it out at 5:30 in the morning since there were other dishes to bake like the Pasticho.


Tell us the ingredients, the method and write some words about why this is your go-to, favourite or best baking recipe.

The star of the Christmas Eve dinner.

The Ham Bread is, after the hallacas, the most anticipated dish of the night at dinner on December 24.

And it is that this bread is only eaten in December, throughout the year you cannot get it in bakeries or anywhere unless you prepare it.
The bread dough is prepared like all bread: flour, yeast, salt, sugar, eggs, butter.

The filling is full of pure Christmas flavors such as olives, raisins, ham, bacon and some add yellow cheese.


Then it is rolled up and a space is left in the dough to cut it into strips and make a decoration by crossing the strips of dough. Then we varnish with egg yolk so that it browns.


And this is how our Ham Bread was left, from 1 kilo of flour came out 2 loaves of 25 centimeters each.

We Venezuelans like to cook and eat, that is why we take our gastronomy wherever we go and those who have tried our food are amazed at its flavor. The only thing that we have achieved with the challenge of not finding the same ingredients, but if we do not find them, we make them ourselves.

Such was my almost that for the hallacas I add Salsa 57 and here in Colombia they don't know it and we can't find it, so my son looked for the recipe online and made it. Let me tell you that it was the same in smell and taste.

Well I hope you pick up your drool and make these dishes since I think you are a good cook. Let me know if you made them and how they turned out.


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