A song to die: Lazarus by David Bowie

I am a music lover, perhaps I do not have all the knowledge of the musical genres that I like, but I can assure you that I feel each song that I like with all my body and soul, music can transport us to unique moments of the past or even from the future, but it also gives us the opportunity to experience things that we have never experienced, it is like living in the skin of another human being who tells his story, in the particular case of a song called Lazarus by the artist David Bowie I can feel the arrival of death, I can put myself in the place of a person who experiences the immediate expectation of death, almost as if he could see death approaching calmly walking towards me.


Everything that surrounds this song is real and can be felt not only in the lyrics but also in the singer's voice, who also prepared everything to say goodbye to this world in an unforgettable way. This song is called Lazarus, it is not necessary to be a Christian to know what this name refers to when we hear it, because Lazarus in the Bible was the person that Jesus resurrected, that is, one of the miracles attributed to Jesus in the Bible is having brought Lazarus from the world of the dead, that is, bring him back to life. In the song Lazarus, David Bowie in a very emotional way with a rather deep voice tells us that he feels in heaven and that there are wounds that cannot be seen, he says later that he is drugged and that his head is spinning, which he drops his phone, which is in danger, winks at the past and tells us a little about how in his youth he thought he was the king, but now he is going to be free like a blue bird.

As you can guess, he is telling us that he is dying, but the hardest thing about listening to this song is knowing that it is real, since this song belongs to the last studio album that the artist recorded, Blackstar, the video for this song was released on the 7th of January 2016, the 8th was the artist's birthday and it was the date of the album's release, so on January 10 David Bowie died. When I heard the news I didn't stop crying, I was very sad, my son had been with a fever all night and I turned on the television and the first news I saw was that, I immediately understood that the song Lazarus was completely real and I felt so deeply the pain of his death.



In the music video you can see David Bowie in a hospital bed, blindfolded and with two buttons instead of his eyes, in the video you can see his suffering in the face of death stalking that seems to come from under the bed . So when I found out that David Bowie died of cancer and that he had been fighting for his life for 18 months and that instead of doing something else he dedicated himself to making the farewell album, that song was something that I consider incomparable with anything that another artist or human being, in the video an alter ego of the artist comes out of the closet, he is dressed as in his youth and dances as before, but then he takes a pencil and paper and begins to write on a table, it is as if he were writing his last words or a testament I imagine, but now that I think about it, I think this could be David Bowie writing his last album, before going back to the closet where he came from, for me the closet represents the entrance to another world, because his alter ego was like from another planet, In addition, the very title of the album reminds me that when the stars die, they become a black star. The lyrics to Lazarus are relatively short but each sentence in this song is like a double-edged Bowie knife through my heart.

When I listen to this song, I reflect on the fact that not all people die in the same way, but those who suffer from terminal cancer have the opportunity to say goodbye, that is, to organize their last days, David Bowie made a record, but how many people will have the opportunity to say goodbye like him, to be honest I think that going through the anguishing process in which even medications make you feel high must be very difficult. This is a song that invites us to put ourselves in his place for a moment and feel what he felt in his last days.

This is my participation in the Weekend Experiences Community ChallengeI invite @dayadam to participate

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Discord: irenenavarroart#0361

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