These weekend engagement prompts made me think about how unpredictable and ironic the future can be.

I just started my lab practices in one of my college classes and I could not be more excited. However, we know that life is unpredictable and we never know when we have to leave for good. It does not matter how much you think you can live or how much you can do for others. If you have to leave you're gone. So,

I picked the first topic:

1️⃣ 250 minutes
You have only 250 minutes to live, (4.1 hours) and have the chance to speak to three people. Who do you call or see and why? What do you say and how do you feel the conversations would end?



If I had only a few hours of life (maybe as a result of getting infected with some lethal virus in the lab), my last call would be to my parents and sister.

I’d tell them how much I love them. I’d let them know how loved I felt during the time we shared together. I would not say something like, “I wish I could be here longer. I think that would hunt me in another life. I would say that the time I spent with them was my most precious time.
I’d tell them how I carry every part of them with me and that I hope to be part of them too.

I’d tell my mom how happy I am to have gotten closer to her since I was a teenager.

I’d tell my dad how happy I am to have gotten closer to him, after a time when communication between us was pretty much a pain in the ass. Even when I was absent, evading him, making myself unavailable, I still loved him; it was just me trying to make sense of my teenager crap.

To my sister, I’d say that I wished I had shared more with her. It was fun being her big sister, and she made me proud most of the time. 😙 I know that we have the same sense of humor and I am very grateful for that.

I think that I will say they are amazing and that I am grateful to have them in my life.

I’d advice my sister not to be so rough, but at the same time not to hide herself from the world trying to be something she’s not. I’d advise her to try to be better everyday.

I’d advise my mom not to be so hard on herself, because I know that she is.

I don’t think I will let them know that I have just a few minutes left.
Maybe I will try to suggest that life goes on and they will move on. At least that’s my wish; that they don’t burry themselves in the pain of my loss. I think that’s the hardest part for anyone when a family member is gone prematurely.

I’d tell them they should not regret anything and that they should treasure all the good times and how happy we made one another.

It would be a very long call reminiscing about our funniest moments together.

Leaving my country three years ago has been some kind of death. I’ve learned that life goes on without you for them and life goes on without them for me. Not sure what the afterlife is all about, but something tells me it must not be too different.


Thanks for stopping by

This was my entry to Weekend-Engagement #94. You can check the details here


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