There's more to April than just the April fool's day



Happy weekend guys, it's my pleasure to be here, and also my first time of posting here.
I wish to share my thoughts on the popular April fool's day and show you all that there's more to April than just the April fool's day.

During my childhood days, we have always noted April with the popular "April fool" thing that trend during this period of time. To us then, "April fool" is not only done on that April's 1st day, we do it all throughout April, all with the mindset that April is for April fool's, lols.

Just as man advances I begin to read more meaning into this "April fool's" thing, from my research and readings, I come to realization that it's all just for fun, though funny how many people celebrated it in the past.
In that hand also, I've come know that there is also some noteworthy dates and things that happened or always happen in the month of April that we should also note.
So in this light, I would love to say that "there's more to April than just April fool's day"

Brief history of the name April
Up till date no one knows how the month of April got this particular name.
All we know is that the Romans named it “Aprillis.”

The etymology of the word “April” was driven from the verb “aperire” which translates “to open,” in the English meaning

It's believed that trees and flowers begins to grow and produce new flowers this period.
In literal statement, "trees and flowers begin to open and bloom in April"

We know it is the fourth month of the year, but that’s only by the Gregorian calendar that we adhere to now. It was previously the fifth month in the earlier Julian calendar.
April also only had 29 days, but a 30th day was added when Julius Caesar established the Julian calendar.source

For zodiac signs
The two zodiac signs in April are "Aries," it is from March to April 19th, then Taurus, shows up from April 20th and onwards.
The April Babies has been said to have a diamond as their birthstone, this represents innocence and bright heart.
The April bone birth flowers is either a Daisy or a Sweet Pea.

Did you know that
People in the Southern Hemisphere, have April as the seasonal equivalent of the month of October, reason being that it's their period of harvest instead of planting, lol, funny right ?

About the famous Titanic ship ?
The famous Titanic ship, on April 15, 1912 hit an iceberg and sunk on her first and only voyage.

On April 30, 1789, the United States of America inaugurated George Washington as first president

Chernobyl nuclear plant in Ukraine exploded on April 26, 1986.
The explosion forced everyone living around 300-mile near the nuclear plant to be evacuated.

In April, birds migrate north and settle down for the summer to mate and to have their families.
Small animals in burrows after long hibernation start coming out in April
Trees start producing flowers as bees and butterflies start gathering nectars form the first blooming flowers this period

April in some part of the world is a planting season, which some other part of the world, it's a harvesting season.

For the Christian's
The month of April always mark a very significant celebration in the Christian's and sometimes in the Jewish religious community.

The great Easter feast is always in the month of April, so also some period of the Lenting season and the Palm Sunday celebration is in the month of April.
So in general, Christian's remember and celebrate the "Passion, Death and the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ"

You would be surprised to hear that some few notable historical people you may know are born April.
Did you know that Leonardo da Vinci, was born on April 15, 1452,
Shakespeare, April 23, 1564.
Queen Elizabeth II 21, April 1926,
Jackie Chan, April 7, 1954.
Marvin Gaye, April 2, 1939.
Emma Watson, April 15, 1990.
Charlie Chaplin, April 16, 1889.
Jack Nicholson, April 22, 1937 etc.

Below are list of national celebrations throughout the month of April.
I believe you probably may know or have heard about any of this celebrations in the month of April. Truth be that majority of this celebrations aren't that significant in many part of the world, while some other part part of the world observe and celebrate it.

1st April : April Fool’s Day

2nd April : Peanut Butter and Jelly Day

3rd April 3: National Chocolate Mousse Day

4th April : World Rat Day

5th April : National Caramel Day

6th April : National Twinkie Day

7th April : National Beer Day

8th April : Draw a Picture of a Bird Day

9th April : Cherish an Antique Day

10th April : National Siblings Day

11th April : National Pet Day

12th April : Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day

13th April : National Scrabble Day

14th April : National Pecan Day

15th April : National Glazed Spiral Ham Day

16th April : National Eggs Benedict Day

17th April : Haiku Poetry Day

18th April : National Velociraptor Awareness Day

19th April : National Garlic Day

20th April : National Look-Alike Day

21st April : United Kingdom's National Tea Day

22nd April : Earth Day

23rd April : National Picnic Day

24th April : National holidays

25th April : World Penguin Day

26th April : National Pretzel Day

27th April : National Prime Rib Day

28th April : National Blueberry Pie Day

29th April : National Peace Rose Day

30th April : National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day

So from the above you agree with me that there's more to April than just the April fool's day.

If you're born in April, you're a great man too, noteworthy for celebration.
So I wish all the April Born on #hive happy birth month/day to you all.

Thanks you all for your time on my blog.


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Queen Elizabeth II.

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