[WE102] Weekend-Engagement- My Invention


What product or item have you wanted to invent? It doesn’t matter how weird it may be, tell us what it is, what it does and why you want it. here’s your chance to be an inventor, and have some fun.

I was so curious about creating something and as my visual memory is stronger I always looked for creating something with my hands. Actually, I’m dexterous in detail creation. The most fascinating items that I decided to invent among a vast variety of ideas and items were a toothbrush and a board game. In the current publication, I just want to write about the board game. The main character of my board game idea was a boy who was stuck in a wheel-like object in an underground world. Giving birth to an idea put me in a situation to wander in my mind and taught me to create everything and any character that I can imagine through which breaking mental boundaries is the starting point for any idea. The work was supposed to be simple, but so many detailed items came to the surface that I didn’t know anything about them such as graphic designing of card games. Designing and creating a board game is considered an invention in my country and there are some institutions we should present our invention in front of researchers in that specific field. The story behind the creation of my board game relates to a dream. One night I dreamed about a boy who was stuck in a huge wheel, guess where? In the underground world, the wheel was in the water. Moreover, I felt different doors in the walls around him but he couldn’t get out of the wheel. The surprising point is that when I woke up, wrote the story and painted the boy and designed the wheel on a piece of paper, and expanded it. As an example, the tarot card wheel of fortune with so many details is like the wheel that I dreamed about it. Then I designed the cards again on some pieces of paper and added all of the details to different parts. The best day in my life dates back to a time when I finished it but unfortunately because of some problems I couldn’t register in the institution and proof it. Because the other side of an invention is to manufacture an idea. Although I can license my invention until now hesitation doesn’t allow me to do it. I will expand other board game ideas in the future.

Image Source:https://pixabay.com/photos/blood-rage-tabletop-games-4311101/
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