This weekend I found out I only have one year to live and I... - [WE116] Weekend-Engagement

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This weekend I found out that I only have a year to live and fear has taken over my being.

In June 2011, I was in Bogota, Colombia, working for a systems consultancy.
I arrived last February from Caracas, Venezuela, invited by my friend Ulises to create together a support and customer service company for clients requesting services in the area of Internet communications, specifically in IP telephony.

I was very excited because months ago I had met a Colombian girl at a Microsoft event and she was a resident of the city of Bogota.

That encounter was the first of many others that led us to the awakening of a wonderful love that had an expiration date; she would return to her country and I would be left with the bitter taste of not being with the real woman made for me.

Her departure did not prevent me from contacting her by phone and through the web. This served to get to know each other better and made me anxious for a reunion.

A year after the departure of the beautiful Melina, Ulises, a good friend who had a systems consulting company in Venezuela, told me that he was thinking of opening an office in Colombia, seeing that the economic-social-political situation in Venezuela did not promise much. Investing in Venezuela could be a disastrous idea. Hence his intention together with his brothers to start the business in the city of Bogota.

Once he tells me his intentions, he asks me:

-Would you like to go to work with me?

To which I responded positively and immediately. I didn't think twice, in fact, I didn't even think about it. It was the opportunity to go to Melina's arms.

It didn't occur to me to ask what the income would be like, where I would live, and anything else that would involve moving countries and starting a working relationship. What I was interested in was Melina.

Anyway, it was much later that we talked about the labor and economic issues, and with that in mind I shared the news with Melina, who received it with great joy, saying:

-You're not going to stay in any hotel, you're not going to rent a place to live; you're coming with me.

Words that filled me with emotion and joy. My soul was happy and the smile was not erased from my face.

At the beginning of June, living a wonderful life with Melina and her wonderful daughters Cindy and Samara, Coco, a stray dog they had adopted as a pet and who was tremendously restless and affectionate, greeted me after arriving from a day's work with a blow to my genital area with his snout.

Coco was extremely affectionate and always wanted to be on top of everyone, licking the face and wagging his tail non-stop.

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I didn't think anything of the blow, took an analgesic for the pain, and set out to make dinner with Melina.

Thursday, I got up very early to go to a client's house. On the way I felt uncomfortable in the car, I could not find a comfortable seat, something was bothering me and I did not know what it was. I even thought that I had put on weight because my pants felt very tight; like bullfighter pants.

I arrive at the client's place, start working and in the middle of the morning I feel like urinating. I head to the bathroom and when I'm urinating I touch my gentiles area because I still felt the discomfort.

Well, I found that one of my testicles was the size of a softball. The alarm bells went off, panic took over me, I had never experienced anything like that; I had to leave immediately, I had to see a doctor.

I went to the nearest health care center and explained my case. The doctor ordered some anti-inflammatory drugs and some analgesics in case of pain. Apart from that, he recommended I have some blood tests together with urine and testicular ultrasound.

Friday, I had all the tests done, but something strange happened when the ultrasound doctor checked me. Her face was alert. I asked her what was wrong. She replied that the testicle had all the characteristics of dead tissue and gave the impression of being a cancerous tumor. She told me to run to another clinic to have a tumor test to rule it out.

I did indeed do so, but the results were delivered the following day; Saturday.

Saturday, I woke up early to head out to get my test results and Melina wanted to come with me.

In the rush, I forgot my reading glasses and when I received the result I could not read them. I asked Melina to read them for me and she gave me the news.

Melina worked with medical systems and always proved to be a smart woman, so I could trust what she told me.

The information provided to me was:

-You have cancer!

Hell, he told me just like that, without anesthesia, without vaseline.

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My world collapsed, we left the laboratory and I was walking by inertia, with no established direction, only thinking about the word cancer linked to death.

My days were numbered. I was devastated, I didn't want anything, I didn't want to live with the ailments of cancer, I didn't want to go through that and I immediately thought of suicide.

I asked Melina:

-Are you sure you know what you're reading?

And she replied:

-Yes, it says here that you are in a higher than normal range, and to the best of my knowledge I don't think you'll make it past a year.

I repeated myself:

-This weekend I found out that I only have a year to live.

We got in the car, I told Melina to drive because I couldn't because I was shaking so much.
When Melina started the car, I grabbed the document and held it close to my eyes to read it. I wanted to verify what I had been told.

As I read it and assimilated what it said, I wanted to take Melina to the stake.

The witch had made a mistake, she misread the values and I was not going to die. I did have a pathology, but it was not cancerous.

The soul returned to my body.

This weekend I found out that I only had one year to live.

Next time I'll read my own stuff and find a girl who wears glasses.

Now I'm packing my bags because I'm leaving for Venezuela. Let Melina go read things to the aliens.

I told him to consult an ophthalmologist.

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With these letters I am participating in [WE116] Weekend-Engagement promoted by @galenkp.

If you would like to participate in this initiative, just click here

I invite @purrix and @heypuch to enjoy this good weekend.

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Note: All images are my sole property unless otherwise noted
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