Tarot Reading and the Three Dollars - WEEK 156

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Images of my property

With three dollars in my pocket, I went out to find something I could buy for my good friend @galenkp, who had asked me to surprise him with something.

Since it has just been three years since the #weekend-engagement topics were created, I thought it would be ideal to give her a gift. The bad thing was that with three dollars it was quite difficult for me.

What to give with three dollars that has significant value, that is not just anything?

It was not an easy task, as most of the things sold on the streets were trinkets, worthless or basic necessities that were nothing special.

I walked around several places in my city, looking at stores and street or informal economy stalls, but nothing caught my attention.

I thought about buying him a flower, but it seemed too common and ephemeral, I had never given a flower to a man before; that's not my thing.

I thought about buying him a book, but I couldn't find one that cost less than three dollars.

I thought about buying him a candy, but it seemed too trivial and unhealthy. Besides, sending a sweet from Venezuela to Australia by parcel was a challenge.

Then I saw a sign that said: Three dollars for a tarot reading.

That intrigued me, the idea of giving my friend an experience instead of an object crossed my mind.

They must have seen me, I spent a couple of minutes looking up at the sky from the corner of my eye looking to see if it was the right decision.

In the end, I thought to myself that maybe the tarot would reveal something important about her future, or give her some advice on how to improve her life. That wouldn't be bad, it would be something out of the ordinary and it wouldn't cost me more than three dollars.

I entered the premises, which was a small room with a table and two chairs. An older woman greeted me with a smile and invited me to sit down.

I explained to the woman that I wanted a tarot reading for a good man, for a friend, and gave her the three dollars.

She took the money and told me to write my friend's name on a piece of paper. I did and gave it to her. She folded it and put it under a lit candle. Then she took out some decks of cards and mixed them up.

Then the good part started, my heart began to beat like a locomotive without control.

The woman told me she was going to do a simple spread of three cards: past, present and future, and asked me if it was ok. I nodded and she cut the deck.

He picked up the first card and placed it on the table.

It was the madman.

The woman immediately told me that this card represented my friend's past, indicating that he had been an adventurous, free and tenacious person. He had followed his intuition and taken risks, lived through various experiences and learned a lot from them. He had been a happy man.

He picked up the second letter and placed it next to the first.

It was the hermit.

The letter represented my friend's present time.

He told me that it indicated that he is going through a challenging time but that he was aware of how to handle them.

That he was a man who has always been searching for his purpose and his truth. He was constantly maturing and growing spiritually. But he also sought to isolate himself in his adventures. This makes him a wise hermit, but also (at times) a lonely hermit.

He picked up the third card and placed it at the end of the row.

It was the sun.

The letter represented my friend's future.

He indicated that times of happiness and success await him. He has already found his way and his place in the world, but he is going for more.

He will shine with his own light and he will spread his joy to others. He will achieve goals and he will enjoy good fruits. He will be recognised and admired for his talent, for his tenacity and for his kindness. He will be a radiant sun, but also a generous sun.

I was impressed by the letters and what the woman told me. I thought they were very accurate and reflected my friend's personality and situation. Well, that's the little I know of my friend and what he has conveyed to me in his publications.

At the end of the session, the woman asked me what I thought of the consultation and I told her it was amazing. I was very happy and even thought that the reading was for me.

Before I left, the woman gave me three pieces of candy. I thanked her for the gift and went outside.

When I got home, I checked my pockets for candy, as I was in the mood for one.

As I unwrapped the first one, I noticed that the candy wrapper said: Value for $1.

I don't know why, but I felt weird seeing the three pieces of candy and remembering the three dollars.

Then I made the decision that I would not tell @galenkp about the candy. Better was to tell her about the tarot cards and give her my congratulations on her three years. Yes, that will be better.

Original content is written exclusively for Weekend-Engagement: WEEK 156 - Three year anniversary week!

I use CANVA to edit the images you see in my publications.

It is my responsibility to share with you that, as a Spanish speaker, I have had to resort to the Deepl translator to share my original content with you.

Thank you for your visit and for your comment.

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