My weekend in the year 3016 [Week 125]

"The past cannot be changed. The future is still in your power" Mary Pickford

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Friday has finally arrived and the weekend begins for the dedication to rest and personal matters.

For days now, I have been looking for a place to live, since I didn't like the place where I was living because of the constant noise pollution. It is a very central place in the city and public transport, trade and the various street vendors with their megaphones did not let me hear my thoughts and also did not allow me to record my episodes for the podcast.

I was presented with two options that are quite striking for their price, location, and spaciousness.

But there is something that stopped me from thinking before I moved in and that is that to live in any of the houses you had to go through tunnels with particularity each one.

In the house facing east, that is, where the bright tropical sun appears, where the majestic sunrises can be seen, I should go through a time tunnel that would take me 1000 years into the past, that is, to the year 1022.

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On the other hand, in order to live in the house in the west, where the sun sets on the romantic evenings of my days, I have to go through a time tunnel that will take me 1000 years into the future, that is, to the year 3022. All that on the weekend.

I decided to live in the west house and this meant that I will travel in time 1000 years in the future.

But why did I come to that decision?

Sure, they will accuse me of being crazy, but in the world of letters, imagination, and dreams this can happen and I have had to live with it.

Why the future and not the past?

According to my logic, the past has already been executed, there is no way to change it, we are heirs of everything that happened in it, and modifying it would be quite complicated and may even be detrimental to us in the present.

Going to the past would be to be without my electronic devices, air conditioning, microwave, and a number of things that for me are indispensable to life.

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Image processed with CANVA

So that house was not the solution, he would arrive back to the present all disappointed, dirty (maybe), and tired because he would have had to farm, hunt, fish, and maybe fight in some absurd revolution.

No, no, no, no, that was not the house or the tunnel.

Instead, being already in the future, I have found something spectacular, there are no physical currencies, everything is digital, there is any number of cryptocurrencies and the planet is managed in the very style of the blockchain.

This has brought a consequence that there are no sole owners, the entire population acts as partners and each one contributes to the optimal planetary welfare.

As we (all of us) have a collective thought of commitment, I see that the health system has improved remarkably, common diseases have been eradicated and sanitary controls are more effective.

Since there is no longer control by a few over the economy, wars have disappeared, and there are only a few guerrillas left because there is always a misfit who wants to take someone else's belongings, but peace reigns in most countries. There are no banks, they are useless, energy is totally clean, there are no more fossil fuels and we can breathe better.

As global warming has slowed, the climate has improved, and we no longer see those atypical storms or relentless droughts.

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But there is something I don't like, something that makes me very sad and that I can't bear to notice.

Automation, and technology has been so beastly that it has enveloped human being and made them insensitive, and less affectionate, there is no communication in families, and the treatment is more virtual than face-to-face; there is no human warmth.

This makes everything else that helps for a better world, useless because the human being has become insensitive; even the population has decreased because physical contact no longer takes place, there is no attraction because no one dresses well, women do not beautify themselves, there is total neglect in the physical presence because what prevails is the avatar in the virtual.

What an absurd world.

I only hope that this trip ends quickly so that I can return to my present and take what I have experienced to my fellow men, communicate it, share it, and tell them that things are not looking good, that not everything will be for the best, that we must be bold in technology, eliminate wars, improve health, but never, never let love be virtual, love is the most wonderful thing about human beings, love is warmth, it is smiling, it is living, it is touching each other.

So update yourself, study, improve yourself, but do not stop embracing your neighbor, your partner, your family, your friends.

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For this weekend I have chosen the option:

Forwards or backwards weekend
If you had to go forwards or backwards in time by 1000 years which would you choose and why? Explain what your experiences, what things would be like, and what you may learn on your travels. Write at least 400 words.

This is my participation in [Week 125] Weekend-Engagement.

If you would like to participate in this initiative, just click here

I invite @soyunasantacruz and @tibaire to enjoy this good weekend.

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