[WE97] Weekend-Engagement Friday blog prompts

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Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.

- Albert Schweitzer -

This week I wanted to do some generic blog prompts rather than follow a theme. If you're looking for something to write about over the weekend take a look below for the post topic prompts and if you feel like doing a post use my community, THE WEEKEND. Follow the rules below.

Guidelines you must follow to be eligible for prizes

✅ Use #weekend-engagement as the first tag of your post
✅ Post in THE WEEKEND community (do not cross-post)
✅ Follow the rules of the community
✅ Contest closes 07:30 UTC Monday 18th April (google it)
❌ Do your own work, don't plagiarise and link-credit photos

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Select one blog prompt from below


How do you unwind after a hectic day at work? Meditation, a hobby, reading, listening to music, cooking, yoga, gaming, an intimate interlude? Tell us how you relax and unwind and why you feel that method is the most beneficial to you.


Do you have any hints, tips or life hacks you'd like to share with the community? What are your shortcuts or methods that save you time, effort or money? Share a few and explain how they work, how you discovered them and how they have helped in your everyday life.


Generosity is a wondrous thing and comes with great benefit for the giver and receiver. Has someone shown generosity towards you? Tell us who it came from, what form the generosity took, how it was delivered and what impact or effect it had upon you or your relationship with the giver.


What is your exercise routine? Tell us about your physical activity, what you do to stay fit and healthy, or what you would like to do. Do you have a plan or approach it randomly. Do you go to the gym or take a more freestyle approach? Do you set goals and how do you keep yourself motivated. You can include physical activity and diet routines in your answer as both go hand in hand.

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Curation may happen on quality original content so proof read, use in-focus and interesting pictures and take pride in your post. Your posts are a representation and showcase of you - Give people a reason to visit your feed.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

If you'd like to sponsor a week of #weekend-engagement please feel free to transfer your sponsorship to my Hive wallet with the memo: weekend-engagement sponsorship.

Any image(s) in this post are my own

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