To drink or not to drink

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Milk is for babies. When you grow up you have to drink beer.

- Arnold Schwarzenegger -

Okay folks, I'm not sure I agree totally with old-mate Arnie in the above quote as I like a glass of milk with my cookies, but I understand the sentiment. We all start off with milk as babies, except for a mate of mine I used to work with who got straight onto Johnnie Walker Blue Label the moment he popped out of his mothers womb was devil-spawned, but generally yeah, milk it is.

Over our lives we move on to other things though and, if you had parents like mine, those other things were mostly water. Yeah, I wasn't allowed to have much soda or cordials when I was a kid...I did sneak the occasional glass of Tang though. I drank other things of course, not just water, although one thing I never tried was alcohol...not until I was twenty two years old.

I had plenty of opportunity to drink alcohol but never really got into the scene and having parents that didn't drink alcohol sort of swayed me against it I guess.

I was booted out of home at the age of seventeen and a half and made my own way in life and even then chose not to drink alcohol although I guess I didn't have the money for it at that point as I was trying to stay alive. Around the age of twenty two I decided it was time to have a drink though and started with scotch whisky, Johnnie Walker Red Label to be precise.

I began to have a drink now and then, mainly on the weekend when I didn't have to work, and tried a few different beers, wines and whiskeys but realised pretty quickly that it wasn't something that held a lot of interest for me.

I've been drunk only three times in my life, the last on time on my thirtieth birthday weekend which I shared with my brother @tarazkp; he is born on the same day as me bit nine years later so it was his 21st. I'm not going to go into it here but, suffice it to say, drinking almost an entire bottle of Johnnie Red was never going to end well...My brothers are to blame though; they set out with evil intent that evening, and they achieved said evil.

These days I have a drink now and then, again it's mostly a weekend thing, but rarely when I'm by myself. I'm a social drinker I guess, and can count on one hand the amount of alcoholic beverages I drink in a month. I always have alcohol in the house though, if I don't my mates might probably kill me when they come over and realise they can't get a beer. I'll have a drink if I'm out for dinner or at a special event though and depending on what I am eating it could be spirits, wine or beer and I have my favourites although, I'm just as likely not to have an alcoholic beverage at all I guess.

How about you? Do you have a favourite alcoholic drink or do you prefer not to drink alcohol at all as so many do?

Feel free to comment below and let me know what your preference is and if you have any rituals like I do; I always drink a Corona if I'm eating Mexican food. Do you drink all week or do you prefer to leave the alcohol consumption for the weekend? Maybe you don't drink alcohol at all...Either way, what's your favourite drink and feel free to leave recipes also.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

The image is my own, taken on my Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark III

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