The weekend pact

Once upon a time, there was a long weekend. It wasn't quite long enough...they never really are...but it was longer than usual.

At the beginning of that long weekend there were two people, a G-dog and his girl-person, and they decided that over that long weekend there would be no working around the house, no cleaning, washing, sweeping, tidying...not a scrap of it...No chores at all. Instead, they decided to have a weekend of doing whatever they wanted to do, whenever they wanted to do it and sealed a pact to make it official.

There was take-out food; cooking was well off the agenda on this long weekend also. There were late nights watching movies. There was games like strip-Jenga, strip-Twister, strip-Chess...Ok, there actually wasn't any strip-games at all...but there were games and reading, listening to music, time spent at the beach and long drives in the countryside.

It wasn't quite a fairy tale but it certainly was a fucken great weekend.


The weekend I'm referring to was the last one, a public holiday held because a horse race called the Adelaide Cup. It was a long weekend I really needed to have, and so the pact was made.

No chores, no being responsible adults and no letting a single moment go by unenjoyed.

I'm going to do a couple posts about it over the next couple weeks but tonight wanted to share one element of it which was a really nice drive to Port Broughton for a walk around, picnic and some fresh air.


We're easily pleased - simple people - so a drive in the Big Dog, my 4x4, and a picnic lunch with an excellent view usually does the trick. When we arrived in Port Broughton around mid-morning the day was pretty nice with a temperature of around 22°C and a light breeze and as you can see it looked pretty nice. The day stretched ahead of us and with no plans except to honour our pact my girl-human and I got stuck in.

There's not much to the little coastal town, a small place supported by crop-farming and fishing, but it's popular at holiday times so there were a few people around, but not enough to get in my way...fortunately for them.

We wandered about, checked out a few antique shops that were open, strolled along the jetty and chatted with some of the anglers fishing there and then found a spot for our picnic. The image above was taken from that picnic spot although we were sitting in the shade; Australia's sun is harsh and getting sunburned isn't fun.


On the way home we went well out of our way to go to Wallaroo and Moonta to see what was going on, grabbed some more photos and an afternoon coffee then headed home after what was a totally relaxing day...which we both needed.

We drove for 420 kilometres over the day, out and back home, which seems like a long way to go for a picnic, but the enjoyment wasn't just one aspect of that day, it was everything combined. The drive, scenery, tunes we sang along to, the picnic (I make a legit fucken picnic spread you know), sea air, blue skies, lapping all made for a really great, unstructured, day and aligned with our no chores, no being responsible adults and no letting a single moment go by unenjoyed, agreement.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default; tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind - galenkp

[All original and proudly AI free.]

Every image in this post is my own.

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