My lady [bug] helper

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I didn't expect to have a helper this weekend, although I should have considering I was up on my roof cleaning gutters. I wrote a little about my chores here a couple days ago and there's a link to an older post about the last time I was on my roof - I had a rapid climb fall down off it on that occasion and I promised I'd engage the assistance of a helper next time. True to form, I did not...Well, not in the form of a human anyway.

Earlier in the day I was checking out my vegetable garden to see how it was progressing. I'm starting to see some tomatoes now and it looks like I'll have a lot of them, but I need sunshine y'all! This dour, rainy weather we're having thanks for some Spanish woman called El Nina is pissing me off right now and I wish she'd fuck off. Anyway, if the sun comes out to play I think my tomatoes will be awesome this year. I have other things in though, and everything is looking good which I'm pleased about.

I was poking about, pulling some weeds and talking to the plants to encourage them a little and found this little friend there on a lettuce leaf.

After making sure this little lady, [could be a fellow, I don't know how to check], was not there to eat all my lettuce I got to talking and we seemed to get along well. I thought it would be cool to get my camera out and grab a picture and my intention was to take it on my finger - I thought it would be cool. After a few attempts I abandoned the finger-photo idea though, it was fucking hopeless, the little bug would keep still. So, back to the leaf she went.

We had a nice time chatting but eventually I had to move on to get the gutter cleaning done; I said as much and my little lady said she could help. I was dubious, but told her to explain how. She basically said, you go do the work, I'll stay here and watch. OK, so not so much help, but I figured at least I'll have someone around to call the ambulance should I fall off again.

I got my gutters cleaned, a job I hate doing because the odd positions I have to get into don't do my back any good, and I got the ladder and my other things packed up all within about three hours which I didn't think was too bad. I didn't fall off the roof either and that's always good. My day was young though, so I did some more gardening and a little repair on a gate that was sticking a little bit. I swept some leaves and looked into a little paving job I have on the horizon and mid-afternoon I was ready for a snooze.

After I was all done I went back to see my ladybug friend but she'd buggered off somewhere...So much for having someone to call the ambulance if I'd fallen off the roof huh?

Overall I didn't have a bad Saturday although along with the evening came back pain from all that gutter cleaning nutbaggery. It was ok though, I had pasta for dinner, and garlic bread and, as we all know, there's no ailment garlic bread can't cure.

I hope y'all have had a good weekend so far. Feel free to drop me a line in the comments below to let me know what you've been doing, or have planned for Sunday, and...if you've seen my ladybug around tell her thanks for watching my back, in a sarcastic way on my behalf ok?

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

The image was taken by g-dog - That's me.

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